项目名称: 拉胀多孔材料及其夹层结构的冲击动力学特性和能量吸收机理
项目编号: No.11472314
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 胡玲玲
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 拉胀多孔材料与传统多孔材料相比,由于负泊松比效应具有更高的剪切模量和断裂韧性,其抵抗局部压入荷载的能力和能量吸收效率都远高于传统多孔材料。除此之外,它特有的同向曲率特征使它更适合用于曲面夹层板的芯层,在航空航天以及其他高能耗装备领域有着广阔的应用前景。在应用中材料和结构往往会受到冲击荷载的作用,而目前国内外关于拉胀多孔材料及其夹层结构在冲击荷载下力学性能的报道很少。本项目以拉胀多孔材料及其夹层结构在冲击荷载下的动力学特性和能量耗散机理为研究目标,采用实验、数值计算和理论分析相结合的方法,从探讨拉胀多孔材料细观结构的变形机制入手开展研究。建立拉胀多孔材料宏观属性与细观参数、加载过程和加载条件等之间的关系,分析其在局部冲击荷载下的能量耗散机理,并建立相应的力学模型。进而研究拉胀多孔材料夹层结构在冲击荷载下的动力响应,构建其抗冲击能力和能量吸收性能的预测模型,为工业设计提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 拉胀;多孔材料;夹芯结构;动态力学性能;能量吸收
英文摘要: The auxetic cellular materials show much superiority to the traditional cellular materials due to the negative Poissons' ratio, such as the shear modulus, the fracture toughness, the indentation resistance and the energy absorption efficiency. Moreover, the syntropic curvature makes the auxetic cellular materials more suitable for the core of sandwich structures with curve shape. Thus the auxetic cellular materials have a good application future in aerospace and other engineering fields with high energy consumption. Both materials and structures usually suffer from dynamic crushing in applications.However, the dynamic behaviors of both the auxetic cellular materials and the sandwich structures are seldom reported in literatures. The aim of this project is to study the dynamic properties and the energy absorption mechanism of auxetic cellular materials and the sandwich structures by employing experiments, numerical simulations and theoretical analysis. Based on the cells' deformation mechanism of the auxetic cellular materials, the macro-properties of the auxetic cellular materials will be related with the meso-structural parameters, the loading process and the loading conditions. The energy absorption mechanism of the auxetic cellular materials will be explored under dynamic indentation. Then the response of the sandwich structures with auxetic cellular materials as the core will be studied under impact loading. And the analytical model will be build to predict the impact resistance and the energy absorption, which will provide a theoretical basis for engineering design in applications.
英文关键词: auxetic;cellular material;sandwich structure;dynamic properties;energy absorption