项目名称: 大肠杆菌对声环境暴露的应激响应与机制研究
项目编号: No.U1304307
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 古绍彬
作者单位: 河南科技大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 探索自然种群对环境的调整与适应机制,特别是微生物对各类环境因子的反应已成为近代微生物生态学和分子生态学共同关注的焦点。然而面对日益严峻的环境声污染问题,人们却很少关注它对微生物所带来的影响。基于此,本项目拟以单细胞原核生物大肠杆菌为对象,研究不同声环境暴露对其生长代谢的影响,建立菌体生长、蛋白合成等相关瞬时动力学方程,分析声环境暴露的剂量效应关系,揭示微生物声应激效应的一般特征和规律;借助钙通道阻断、机械敏感性通道(Msc)失活及转录组学分析等,研究钙离子在声应激中的作用,分析Msc在机械信号传导中的功能,考察σS参与的胞内应激调控行为,探讨微生物声应激的作用途径及调控机制。该研究对理解包括微生物在内的生物体对声环境的调整与适应机制具有重要意义,对声效应的合理开发和利用具有指导作用,它有利于探索和建立基于单细胞生物的声暴露风险评估及预警体系,开发基于声效应的促生长、促代谢、促合成的新型生物技术等。
中文关键词: 机械敏感性离子通道;钙离子;窗口效应;能量代谢;转录组分析
英文摘要: To explore the mechanism of natural population’s adaptation and resistance to environmental conditions, especially the reaction of microorganisms to various environmental factors has come into focus in the fields of modern microbial ecology and molecular ecology. Facing the increasingly serious problem of acoustic pollution, very little efforts have been put forth in studying the relation of single cell organisms and sound field. In the project, the primary objective is to develop a dose-response model to estimate the biological effects induced by sound wave and reveal their general principles. So, using a single cell organism as a model, we have exposed E. coli to sound, to test whether sonic waves of different dose affect basal cell metabolism and growth. Then, instantaneous kinetic equation should be established to analyze the dose-effect relationship between sound environmental exposure and biological effects.The developed models will be adapt to describe the change in effects on bacteria cell caused by differing levels of exposure to audible sound after a certain exposure time. In addition, understanding the underlying mechanisms of sound bio-effects is another essential goal of our research. Therefore, observation of biological effects induced by sound will be carried out in the presence of calcium channe
英文关键词: Mechanically sensitive ion channel;calcium ion;Window effect;energy metabolism;Transcriptome analysis