项目名称: 波流环境下拦油栅失效问题的SPH数值模拟研究
项目编号: No.11302237
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 杨秀峰
作者单位: 中国科学院力学研究所
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 海上漏油事故会对海洋环境、海洋生物、养殖资源和当地经济造成严重危害。拦油栅是海上漏油事故处理中常用的一种设备,用于阻止或转移浮油的运动。海上漏油的拦截过程涉及复杂的自由表面、油-水交界面、油-水-拦油栅的耦合等问题。由于受到自身和环境因素的影响,拦油栅常常失效导致浮油逃逸。本项目旨在应用改进的SPH方法模拟研究拦油栅失效问题。SPH方法是一种拉格朗日型无网格粒子方法,在处理自由表面、交界面和运动边界等问题方面具有特殊的优势。本项目的主要研究内容包括:(1)根据拦油栅失效问题的复杂性,对传统的SPH方法进行改进;(2)研究高效的SPH并行算法;(3)应用改进的SPH方法模拟研究拦油栅失效的几种主要模式,并分析对应的失效机理,给出拦油栅失效模式与影响因素之间的定量关系,为拦油栅的设计和改进提供依据。
中文关键词: 拦油栅失效;流固耦合;多相流;自由表面流;SPH 方法
英文摘要: Oil spill can cause serious damages to marine environment, marine lives, and aquaculture resources, and can lead to tremendous economical loss. The oil boom is an equipment commonly used to concentrate oil spill and prevent the leaked oil from being spreading to wider areas through blocking the movement or transfer of the oil slick. The containment of oil spill involves strong free surface, interface, and fluid-structure interaction. Due to possible restrictions of the design of the boom itself and environment factors, oil slick may escape from the bottom or the top of the boom and this is referred to as boom failure. This project intends to study the mechanism of oil boom failure using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. SPH method is a Lagrangian mesh-free particle method which has special advantages in modeling free surface, interface and moving boundary. The contents of this project includes: (1) to improve the traditional SPH method for modeling oil spill and boom movement; (2) to study the parallel algorithm of SPH for high performance computation, (3) to simulate the process of oil spill and boom movement using the improved SPH method, and analyze corresponding boom failure mechanism. The obtained boom failure mechanism can provide guidance for the optimal design and improvement of booms.
英文关键词: oil boom failure;fluid-structure interaction;multiphase flow;free surface flow;SPH method