项目名称: 多设备在线租赁优化模型与竞争策略研究
项目编号: No.71471065
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 徐维军
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 在现实租赁活动中,随着企业经济规模增长,企业对设备的多台需求也会随之增加。面对瞬息万变的市场和流动资金的压力,越来越多的企业倾向于依据市场情况灵活地选择租赁设备,如何进行多台设备组合优化就成为决策者面临的最大难题。然而已有研究均是在Karp单一设备租赁模型基础上进行的应用研究,本项目将运用在线算法与竞争分析方法及最优化理论对多设备在线租赁问题展开研究。针对同类设备和不同类设备两种情形,首先分别构建多设备在线租赁优化理论模型,给出其竞争策略求解新方法;其次,建立考虑现实市场因素及简单合同约束的多设备在线租赁优化模型,给出最优竞争策略;最后,研究决策者进行多设备在线租赁决策时的风险偏好,建立具有决策者行为或各种统计信息预期的多设备在线租赁优化模型,给出使决策成本最小的最优租赁策略。研究成果将完善现有在线租赁决策理论体系,丰富现代企业融资租赁决策方法,为企业多设备在线租赁科学决策提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 多设备在线租赁;优化模型;在线算法;竞争策略;竞争比
英文摘要: In leasing activities, many companies need more and more equipment when their sizes are getting bigger. Facing with unpredictable fluctuations in the markets and the growing pressures of company cash flows, there are a growing number of companies that tend to rent multiple units of equipment with certain degrees of flexibility according to the actual market situations. However, it becomes the biggest challenge for decision-makers concerning how to optimize these multi-unit equipment. Most of the existing researches are essentially applications based on the Karp's single unit equipment online leasing model. In this project we will study the multi-unit online leasing problem by using a combination of the methods of online algorithms, competitive analysis, and optimization theory. Firstly, we construct optimization models according to two kinds of identical equipment or non-identical equipment, and propose new methods for solving competitive strategies. Secondly, we establish multi-unit online optimization models which consider the regulatory constraints on market and contracts, and provide optimal competitive strategies. Finally, given the decision-makers' risk preference, we establish optimization models for multi-unit online leasing problems with the decision-maker behavior or various types of statistics forecasts, and present their optimal leasing strategies. The research findings from this project will be significant to improve the framework of online leasing decision theory, enrich the methods of the modern financial leasing decisions, and provide theoretical foundations for enterprises' decision-making.
英文关键词: Multi-unit online leasing;Optimization model;Online algorithms;Competitive strategy;Competitive ratio