项目名称: 面向小微企业的电子商务交易平台融资模式与策略研究
项目编号: No.71272234
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 孙宝文
作者单位: 中央财经大学
项目金额: 54万元
中文摘要: 面向小微企业的电子商务交易平台融资问题日益受到国内外企业界和学术界的重视,但是目前研究成果尚不成熟。本课题拟采用基于社会网络协同过滤技术,构建电子商务交易信用模型,并针对性地设计面向小微企业的电子商务交易平台融资模式,主要包括基于集聚优势和信用评分机制的网络信用池融资模式和基于信息优势和社会网络的网络联保融资模式。针对不同的网络融资模式,本课题将从动态视角分别构建电子商务市场融资过程中不同信贷阶段下、不同决策主体的决策模型,并运用多层规划理论进行博弈分析。最后,本课题将依托电子商务平台和小微企业的实际运作情况进行实证分析以验证理论研究结果。本课题将结合电子商务和金融工程理论,采用数学建模、理论推导、仿真计算和实证分析相结合的研究思路。通过该研究,期望丰富并完善网络融资理论与方法,为电子商务交易平台融资模式的健康发展提供一定的理论指导与参考。
中文关键词: 电子商务;融资;小微企业;网络联保;
英文摘要: Network financing based on electronic business platform for small-micro enterprises has increasingly been the focus among international and domestic e-business industries and academic fields. However, the present research is not yet mature. In this project we aim to construct e-marketing credit models with collaborative filtering approach based on social network and design some creative financing modes on electronic business platform, including the network credit pooling financing mode with aggregation advantage and network joint liability loan mode with information advantage and social network. According to different financing mode, we would dynamically formulate different decision models for different participant in the different loan stages and make game analyses with multi-level programming theories. Finally, we would carry out some empirical analyses with the practices of the e-business enterprises to validate the theoretical outcomes. Combining with the theories of e-business and financial engineering, we adopt the research logic of mathematic modeling, theoretic derivation, simulation analysis and empirical analysis. We expect that our research can enrich and improve the e-business theories and methods and provide some theoretical guidance and reference to the healthy improvement for networking financing
英文关键词: Electronic business;financing;small-micro enterprises;network joint liability loan;