项目名称: 超手性光学显微成像实现单分子手性检测
项目编号: No.21275107
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 张鲁凝
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 本课题利用超手性激发光的驻波特点,从本质上提高手性分子的不对称因子,同时结合高灵敏度的光热成像圆二色技术,提出一种非侵入式的可以对单分子进行手性探测的光学显微成像方法。对于入射光强度10-10量级的单分子圆二色吸收信号,可以实现信噪比大于2甚至更高的单分子成像。本研究中提出的光热成像圆二色谱法(CD-PTI, photothermal imaging circular dichorism)所使用的光学仪器并不昂贵,光路设计简单,有望在非光学专业的分析化学实验室实现普遍应用。
中文关键词: 纳米光学;光热信号;金纳米颗粒;手性分子;
英文摘要: In this proposal, we utilize the unique chiral property of the superchiral light standing wave for molecule excitation, and combine highly sensitive nonlinear optical photothermal imaging method, to achieve the sensitivity for chiral single molecule detection. This is a nonintrusive and purely optical technique that is capable of sensing circular dichroism on the order of 10-10 from single chiral molecule. The photothermal imaging circular dichroism (CD-PTI) method suggested in this proposal uses robust and inexpensive optical setup, and may become widely applicable for daily analytical laboratory work in the future.
英文关键词: nanoscopy;photothermal;gold nanoparticle;chiral molecule;