项目名称: 归纳推理的五阶段模型及其实验验证
项目编号: No.31271088
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 李红
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 归纳推理既是个体适应生活的最重要的核心智力,也是学习活动、科学研究赖以进行的关键思维活动。由于其自身的复杂性,关于归纳推理的研究一直不够广泛和深入。本课题组长期从事归纳推理研究(曾完成过2个面上项目),取得了具有国际水平的突出进展。本项目将以申请人提出的归纳推理的五阶段模型为指导,结合归纳推理的行为研究、事件相关电位(ERP)研究和功能磁共振(fMRI)研究,对个体归纳推理活动中的共同特征概括、假设形成与检验、归纳推理的置信阈限等问题进行深入研究,力图揭示归纳推理的心理机制和神经机制。因此,本研究不仅对揭示人类高级思维活动的奥秘具有很高的科学价值,也对儿童教育、医疗健康等领域具有重要的应用价值,同时也可为脑成像技术应用于高级认知功能研究开拓新的领域,具有重要的方法学价值。
中文关键词: 认知过程;神经机制;归纳推理;脑成像;事件相关电位
英文摘要: Inductive reasoning is the key component of intelligence for individuals to adapt to real life and the crucial psychological activity for learning and scientific research. So far, limited research have been conducted for inductive reasoning, and due to its complexity, the understanding of inductive reasoning is insufficient. With the support of two NSF general programs, we have done several influential and groundbreaking studies in this field these years. Based on the five phases model that we suggested in our previous studies, the present project is aimed to gain a better understanding of the psychological mechanism and the neural substrate of inductive reasoning with multiple methodologies, including behavioral studies, event related potentials (ERP) and Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We will be focusing on several important issues in this field, such as the common feature generalization, hypothesis forming and confirming during individual inductive reasoning process and subjective confidence after reasoning behavior. We believe that the present project will make important scientific contribution on exploring the mystery of high level mental activities of human being and is highly applicable in childhood education and medical health. In addition, it could also provide reference for the methodolo
英文关键词: cognitive process;neural mechanism;inductive reasoning;human brain mapping;event related potential