项目名称: 同塔多回特高压输电线路工频参数扫频测量新方法的研究
项目编号: No.51507121
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 杨祥国
作者单位: 武汉理工大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 常规的输电线路工频参数实测方法在测量同塔多回特高压输电线路参数时存在抗干扰能力差、测量精度低、操作复杂、试验难度大、试验成本高、效率低等难点技术问题。针对这些问题,本课题试图研究一种输电线路工频参数扫频测量的新方法。该方法的研究思路源于现阶段电力系统广泛应用的工频参数异频测量法,其核心思想是将输电线路分布参数工频特征值的测量转化为对输电线路分布参数固有频率特征曲线的测量,通过采用曲线拟合模型推衍出工频特征值,从而实现对输电线路工频参数的间接等效测量。该方法的提出是基于对输电线路分布参数频率特性的理论研究成果。本课题拟对扫频测量频率的优化控制策略、输电线路分布参数的测量模型及提取方法、分布参数频率特性曲线的优化拟合方法及扫频测量技术实现的方法等关键技术问题开展研究。本课题的研究对提高我国特高压电网继电保护整定精度,增强特高压电网安全运行的可靠性、促进特高压智能电网的建设具有非常积极的意义。
中文关键词: 特高压输电线路参数;分布参数频率特性;扫频测量;谐振
英文摘要: There exist technical difficulties in the conventional methods of measuring parameters of parallel multi-circuit UHV transmission lines, such as bad anti-jamming capability, low accuracy, complex operation, test difficulty, high testing cost and low efficiency. To solve these problems, this paper attempts to investigative a new method of frequency-swept measurement for transmission lines parameters. The ideas of this study are from the widely-used different frequency method in electric power system at the present stage. The core of the idea is to convert the measuring of power-frequency characteristic values of transmission lines distribution parameters to their natural frequency characteristic curves, and then achieve indirect and equivalent measuring for transmission lines parameters by using curve fitting model inferring power-frequency characteristic value. The method is based on theoretical study on frequency characteristics of distributed parameters, and focuses on some critical technical problems, namely the optimal selection strategies of frequency-swept measuring frequency, measurement model of transmission lines distribution parameters and its extraction methods, optimal fitting methods for frequency characteristic curve of distribution parameters, and implementation of frequency-swept measurement. This study will help improving protection tuning accuracy of UHV power grid, enhancing the reliability of the safe operation of UHV power grid, promoting the construction of smart grid UHV in our country.
英文关键词: UHV Transmission Line Parameters;Frequency characteristics of the distribution para;Sweep-frequency measurement;Resonance frequency