项目名称: 水分利用效率多时空尺度效应及其耦合转换研究
项目编号: No.51479210
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 魏征
作者单位: 中国水利水电科学研究院
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 多时空尺度作物水分利用效率的尺度效应及耦合转换研究是揭示区域农田生态系统对全球变化的响应与适应的基础,更是灌区多尺度水循环及伴生过程的关键科学问题。以深刻认识基于水碳耦合的水分利用效率多时空尺度评价和转换为主线,以综合理解气孔行为控制的光合-蒸腾的生理生态过程为出发点,本研究将系统监测华北平原典型作物叶片-田间群体-农田-渠系-灌区尺度水碳通量、土壤水和作物生理生态指标,揭示典型作物的水碳耦合运动特征,阐述水分利用效率和主控因子的时空分布规律,揭示多尺度水转化对水分利用效率的驱动机制,建立以水碳耦合为基础的不同时空尺度水分利用效率估算模型,揭示水分利用效率空间尺度、时间尺度的内在联系,实现区域水分利用效率的多时空尺度耦合评价与转换,明晰空间异质性和重复可用水量对水分利用效率的影响机理。以上研究结果对作物高效用水评价和调控、节水灌溉管理和水资源合理配置等意义深远。
中文关键词: 水分利用效率;尺度转换;时空耦合;水循环;水碳耦合
英文摘要: Studies of the multi-spatial-temporal dynamics in water use efficiency (WUE) can help us understand global change impacts on regional agriculture and the key scientific issues of multi-scale irrigation water cycle and associated processes. With deep understanding of Spatial-temporal coupling scaling of Water use efficiency Based on the cycle of water and carbon the main line and a comprehensive understanding of stomatal control of photosynthetic-transpiration physiological and ecological processes as a starting point, we will monitor fluxes of CO2 and H2O, soil water, and crop physiological and ecological indicators at the leaf-, field-, farm-, canal-, and irrigation-scale in the North China, reveal the water and carbon coupling mechanism of the typical crop, analyze the characteristic and variability of WUE and master factor, announce the drive mechanism between multi-scale water transformation and water use efficiency, develop WUE estimation models based on the cycles of water and carbon, reveal inherent relationship between the spatial scale and temporal scale of water use efficiency, establish a spatial-temporal coupling scaling model of WUE to explicit influence mechanism of spatial heterogeneity and repetition water on WUE. The study is significant theoretically and practically for improving WUE, optimizing regional irrigation scheduling and rational deployment of agricultural water resources.
英文关键词: water use efficiency;scaling up;spatial-temporal coupling;water cycle;water-cabon coupling