项目名称: 手征声子晶体带隙调控和旋声性研究
项目编号: No.11302021
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 赵寰宇
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 本项目主要从理论和实验研究弹性波和声波在手征声子晶体中传播基本特性问题。内容包括:首先研究较简单手征声子晶体能带结构、缺陷态和旋声性等; 在此基础之上,研究本征手征体几何结构、点阵拓扑结构、填充率和材料参数对极化带隙的影响,揭示带隙调控机理;开展"旋声性"带来的新物理效应研究,探索弹性波和声波非对易传输问题和极化带隙带边态负折射新效应;进一步针对缺陷手征声子晶体极化带隙、数值仿真和本征模态进行研究,分析缺陷形式和频带结构关系;结合上述理论研究与分析,开展相关手征声子晶体实验研究工作。该项目研究为这种新型功能材料走向工程应用奠定基础,如设计具有手征性的滤波器、声开关、分离器、超透镜和降噪材料等。
中文关键词: 声子晶体;带隙;缺陷态;定向传输;负折射
英文摘要: This project focuses both theoretically and experimentally on investigating the characteristics of propagation of elastic waves or acoustic waves in the chiral phononic crystals. The main contents will mainly emphasize on the following aspects: to study on the band structures, defect states and acoustic activity for the chiral phononic crystals when the wave propagating in the simple chiral structures periodic systems; to further researches on the polarized band gaps in the complicating phononic crystals which caused by the various chiral structures, lattice topology structures, filling fraction and materials parameters and reveals the its mechanism; to considers the new physical effects of acoustic activity and explores the nonreciprocal propagation of elastic waves or acoustic waves and the negative refraction of band-edge states of polarized band gaps. Then, the band structures of chiral phononic crystals with the defect forms will be studied both theoretically and numerically and discussed on the different defects. This project will include experimental study on chiral periodic systems in the light of according to the above theoretical calculations, analyze the new physical phenomena. This reseach will be relevant to the design new chiral devices in the engineering fields, such as the filters, acoustic swit
英文关键词: phononic crystal;band gap;defect state;directional transmission;negative refraction