项目名称: 聚脲基多孔复合材料抗冲击特性及机理研究
项目编号: No.51203035
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 有机高分子材料学科
项目作者: 乔菁
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 有效地防止或消弱爆炸冲击波对人体、建筑物或舰船等的伤害,已成为科学工作者必须面对和解决的重要问题。美国于2009年开始通过设计弹性体微观结构以期实现有效控制爆炸冲击波的相关研究,本项目在其初期研究结果的基础上,将聚脲的优异性能与飞灰空心球的功能特性有机结合,开发新型轻质聚脲基多孔复合材料,研究复合材料参数、微观结构和性能的关系,揭示空心球表面状态、尺寸和分布密度对复合材料力学性能的影响规律和机理;阐明飞灰/聚脲多孔复合材料在高应变率下的吸能特性,并揭示其吸能机理;建立飞灰/聚脲多孔复合材料的本构模型,实现其高应变率加载条件下的性能预报;结合试验研究和数值模拟,研究飞灰/聚脲多孔复合材料的抗冲击性能,探索复合材料的抗冲击机理。通过系统深入的研究,为聚脲基复合材料的设计理论、性能优化与应用提供科学依据和理论支持,为设计高效能冲击波防护结构提供理论指导。
中文关键词: 聚脲基复合材料;空心球;微观结构;力学性能;
英文摘要: Protecting human bodies, buildings or ships from blast damage has become an important and urgent problem. From 2009 researches in the United States began to develop and verify rules and tools for creating elastomer-based composites materials with optimally designed compositions and characteristics to manage blast-induced stress wave energy over broad ranges of frequencies and amplitudes.On the basis of their initial results, this project will focus on fly ash/polyurea composites, and research on the material parameter-microstruture-property relationships. This research will clarify the effects of size and distribution density of hollow spheres on the mechanical properties of polyurea based porous composites, and reveal their mechanisms. Energy absorption characteristics of fly ash/polyurea composites will be studied and energy absorption mechanisms will be investigated. Based on the experimental data, combining elasticity, viscoelasticity and micromechanics, constitutive model of fly ash/polyurea composites will be developed and mechanical properties under high strain rates conditions will be predicted.Impact resistance of fly ash/polyurea composites will be investigated by both experimental and finite element method, and effect mechanisms of elastom layer will be explored. This project will supply scientific an
英文关键词: Polyurea based composites;Hollow sphere;Microstructure;Mechanical properties;