项目名称: 太赫兹光谱技术用于妇科癌瘤诊断研究
项目编号: No.21275101
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 张卓勇
作者单位: 首都师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 快速、非侵入和无伤害的癌瘤组织诊断新技术对于人们预防和治疗癌症是非常重要的。本项目拟采用太赫兹(Terahertz,0.03 mm~3 mm间的电磁辐射)技术结合化学计量学对妇科癌瘤组织的诊断方法及诊断模型的建立与验证进行系统的研究。本项目的主要研究内容包括:(1)太赫兹光谱技术测量癌瘤组织的方法;(2)建立2-3种癌瘤组织太赫兹光谱的特征提取方法;(3)建立2-3种适合太赫兹光谱技术进行癌瘤鉴定的分类模型,并对其进行统计学验证。本项目的创新点是把太赫兹光谱和成像技术与化学计量学相结合,为太赫兹技术的发展提供支撑,为化学计量学新方法的研究与应用提供更广阔的领域。本项目的目标是为太赫兹技术检测生物组织样本提供实验依据和科学支持,为进一步利用太赫兹技术开展生物医学科学研究和发展临床使用的太赫兹检测设备奠定基础。研究结果对太赫兹技术在生命科学中的应用和癌瘤早期诊断新技术的开发将具有重要的帮助。
中文关键词: 太赫兹;太赫兹时域光谱;癌瘤诊断;生物医学;化学计量学建模
英文摘要: Fast, non-invasive, and unharmful diagnostic techniques for cancer and tumor are important to prevent and cure cancers. This project will implement a systematical study of cancer diagnosis and modeling by using terahertz (electromagnetic radiation between 0.03 mm - 3 mm) techniques combined with chemometrics. This study will include (1) terahertz measurement of cancer and tumor tissues; (2) establishing 2-3 feature extraction methods for terahertz spectra of cancers; and (3) establishing 2-3 diagnosis models based on terahertz spectra and validating the models statistically. The combination of terahertz and chemometrics will provide wide development for both terahertz technique and chemometrics. The goal of this project is to provide experimental and scientific supports for biological detection, and furthermore, to establish foundation for terahertz clinical diagnosis device and biomedical studies. The results of this project will significantly help the application of terahertz technique to life science and the development of novel early stage diagosis technique for cancer and tumors.
英文关键词: Terahertz;Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy;cancer diagnosis;Biomedicine;Chemometric modeling