项目名称: 原位合成SiC纳米带增韧ZrB2-SiC高温防氧化涂层研究
项目编号: No.51272212
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 李贺军
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对炭/炭(C/C)复合材料高温易氧化难题,提出开发一种SiC纳米带增韧ZrB2-SiC新型涂层,即首先采用包埋浸渗法在C/C基体表面制备出SiC内涂层,再通过原位合成方法在内涂层表面制备SiC纳米带多孔层,通过包埋浸渗法将ZrB2-SiC基体填充于纳米带多孔层的孔隙内,进而获得致密的SiC纳米带增韧ZrB2-SiC涂层,旨在提高ZrB2-SiC涂层的韧性,缓解ZrB2-SiC与C/C热膨胀不匹配,避免涂层在服役过程中的开裂与剥落。拟通过系统深入研究SiC纳米带增韧ZrB2-SiC涂层的制备工艺条件和形成机理,揭示涂层中纳米带对其微观结构、物理、力学、抗氧化、抗热震和抗冲刷等性能的影响规律,探明纳米带在涂层中的增韧增强机理,探讨涂层在应力作用下的氧化机制,建立涂层在多种服役环境下的氧化模型,为拓展和提高C/C复合材料在高温高速气流冲刷极端环境下的应用范围奠定基础。
中文关键词: 炭/炭复合材料;涂层;氧化;纳米带;增韧
英文摘要: To prevent carbon/carbon (C/C) composites from oxidation at the elevated temperature, a novel SiC nanoribbon-toughened ZrB2-SiC coating will be developed by a feasible three-step method in the present project. Firstly, a SiC inner coating will be prepared on C/C composites by pack cementation. Secondly, a porous SiC nanoribbon layer will be synthesized on SiC inner coating in-situ. Lastly, the ZrB2-SiC material will be infiltrate into the porous nanoribbon layer to obtain a dense SiC nanoribbon-toughened ZrB2-SiC coating. The project is aimed at improving the toughness of ZrB2-SiC coating, alleviating the mismatch of coefficient of thermal expansion between C/C substrate and ZrB2-SiC coating and avoiding the cracking and debonding of the coating. In the project, the technological conditions of fabricating SiC nanoribbon-toughened ZrB2-SiC coating and its formation mechanism will be in-depth studied. The effect of the nanoribbons on the microstructure, physical properties, mechanical properties, anti-oxidation properties, thermal cycling and ablation resistance of the coating will be investigated. The reinforcement mechanism of the nanoribbons in the coating will be revealled. The oxidation mechanism of the coating under stress and the oxidation model of the coating in different service environments will be studi
英文关键词: Carbon/carbon composites;Coating;Oxidation;Nanoribbon;Toughening