项目名称: 异步调谐耦合谐振器差分滤波器综合理论与关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61501100
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 喇东升
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 混合电磁耦合理论和交叉耦合理论由于能够实现滤波器小型化和高性能而引起学者关注。本项目首先改进异步调谐耦合谐振器混合电磁耦合系数定义和提取方法,构造异步调谐耦合谐振器混合电磁耦合矩阵,建立异步调谐耦合谐振器混合电磁耦合理论。然后基于异步调谐耦合谐振器混合电磁耦合理论提出可控混合电磁耦合结构,运用可控混合电磁耦合结构实现中心频率可调节、通带带宽和带外抑制可控制的差分滤波器和电可调差分滤波器。其次将混合电磁耦合项引入到交叉耦合矩阵中,形成异步调谐耦合谐振器混合交叉耦合矩阵,建立异步调谐耦合谐振器混合交叉耦合理论。再次基于异步调谐耦合谐振器混合交叉耦合理论设计混合交叉耦合差分滤波器和电可调差分滤波器。接着设计适用于通信系统和雷达系统的差分滤波器和电可调差分滤波器。最后建立混合电磁耦合差分滤波器综合设计方法和混合交叉耦合差分滤波器综合设计方法。该研究将促进差分滤波器的发展,同时将促进微波电路的发展。
中文关键词: 微波无源滤波器;滤波器拓扑结构;滤波器综合;滤波器设计
英文摘要: Mixed coupling theory and cross coupling theory can realize the filter's miniaturization and high performance, so it has attracted academic attention. Firstly, the definition and extraction method of the asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed coupling coefficients are improved. Asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed coupling matrix and asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed coupling theory will be established. The mixed coupling theory will be improved. Secondly, controllable mixed coupling structures are proposed based on mixed coupling theory. Differential filters and electronically tunable differential filters are also designed based on mixed coupling structures. The pass-band bandwidth and out band rejection of the filters can be controlled independently because they have independently controllable mixed coupling coefficients and transmission zeros. Thirdly, asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed coupling term will be introduced into the coupling matrix and asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed cross coupling matrix is formed. The asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed cross coupling theory is established. Mixed cross coupling differential filters and electronically tunable differential filters are presented based on the asynchronously tuned coupled-resonator mixed cross coupling theory. Finally, differential filters and electronically tunable differential filters which apply to communications and radar system will be designed. Synthesis and design methods of differential filters and electronically tunable differential filters based on the mixed coupling theory and the mixed cross coupling theory will be established. This study will promote the development of differential filters and other microwave circuits.
英文关键词: Microwave passive filter;Filter topology;Filter synthesis;Filter Design