项目名称: 猫V1和V2区不同类型细胞的图像信息整合研究
项目编号: No.31300912
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 陈科
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 哺乳动物视皮层存在多种细胞类型,它们通过高度复杂的相互作用形成了高效的信息处理功能,然而不同类型细胞的认知功能却并不很清楚。本项目拟利用多通道微电极技术,记录猫V1和V2区细胞在各种刺激模式下的响应,主要聚焦于研究以下二个问题:(1)兴奋性锥体细胞和抑制性中间神经元的反应属性及其在认知功能上的差异。(2)聚集形成"cluster"的抑制性和易化性非经典感受野细胞如何通过同步化整合来高效的处理同质和异质图形结构?通过以上研究,建立不同尺度(单细胞水平、神经元集群水平)下视皮层神经元检测复杂图像特征的神经编码机制,其研究结果也将为建立感受野模型和开展非结构化信息处理的理论和方法提供生物依据与模型支持。
中文关键词: 初级视皮层;外周抑制;信息整合;刺激对比度;可塑性
英文摘要: The complex interactions between multiple cell types in mammalian visual cortex formed efficient information processing function. However, it is not very clear whether the different classes of neurons played the distinct roles in visual perception. In this study, by using multi-channel microelectrodes technology we recorded the response from neurons of cat's V1 and V2 areas under various stimulation pattern. We focused on the following two studies: (1)the differences between excitatory pyramdial cells and interneurons in response properties and neurobiological function. (2) how the inhibitory and facilitatory integrated cells gathering in cluster efficiently process the homogenous and heterogeneous graph structure by synchronization integration? By this study, we expect to discover the neural coding mechanism of visual cortical neurons in detecting complex image feature. The reseach will be also to provide a biological basis and model for establishing the receptive field models and unstructured information processing theory.
英文关键词: primary visual cortex;surround suppression;information integration;stimulus contrast;plasticity