项目名称: 电子商务创新与城市休闲消费空间的相互作用机理研究
项目编号: No.41201119
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 于海波
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 近年来,国内外电子商务迅速发展,基于休闲消费空间的电子商务产品开发是电子商务创新的重要内容之一。本项目辨析电子商务创新三种主要模式:旅游电子商务、Groupon模式,LBS增值组合模式与SLM模式的休闲消费空间产品电子商务产业链整合关系,对电子商务产品创新的驱动因素、电子商务创新模式与不同类型的城市居民休闲消费空间互构机理及居民休闲消费空间行为影响因素进行分析。拟以天津市休闲消费空间为例,按照"电子商务与地理空间互构现象分析- - 互构类别辨析- - 相互作用机理分析- - 消费者行为影响实证- - 空间结构实证- - 人地关系研究"思路对电子商务创新与地理空间互相作用的特点、过程和机制进行分析,拓展信息时代人地关系研究视野。
中文关键词: 休闲消费空间;电子商务;创新;作用机理;
英文摘要: In recent years, the E-Business industry grows dramatically both at home and abroad. The product of service consumption which is based on the location is one of the crucial content of the creativity for the E-Business. On the one hand, E-Business depends on the geographical space and the real economy, and on the other hand, the reconstruction of the geographical space and the real economy are effected by the E-Business. Interaction between E-Business and geographical space has become an important issue in the geography field at the era of information revolution.This study will use the space of leisure consumption within Tianjin as a case study and analyze the features, process and mechanism of the interaction between creativity of E-Business and geographical space, according to the following structure: analyzing the mutual construction of E-Business and geographical space firstly, then identifying the E-Business and geospatial category classification, following with analyzing the texture of interaction between E-Business and geographical space, next to give an empirical study on the impact of consumer behavior and spatial structure, finally to study the Human and Nature relationship. This article has both theoretical and practical significance in extending the view of study on the relationship between Human an
英文关键词: Space of leisure consumption;E-Commerce;Innovation;Mechanism;