项目名称: 联合超声和血清标志物的肝纤维化无创评估方法研究
项目编号: No.81471735
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 陈昕
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 由病毒性肝炎导致的肝纤维化是一个全球性的问题,准确评估肝纤维化程度对制定治疗方案及其疗效评价具有重要意义。肝穿刺活检是目前诊断肝纤维化的金标准,但是该方法属于有创检查,很难广泛使用。本项目在前期工作基础上,创新性的将超声图像、超声弹性成像、血清标志物联合起来,提出了一种无创评估肝纤维化的新方法。该方法突破了单一技术的局限性,能全面获取肝脏的形态结构、力学特性、代谢过程等多种信息。本项目结合动物实验和临床研究,对新方法中的关键科学问题展开研究,包括:超声图像纹理分析、结合动态力学测试的超声弹性成像新方法研究、基于统计学习的联合方法研究。本项目的开展将改变目前临床用单一技术诊断肝纤维化的的现状,建立一种全面对肝纤维化程度进行评估的新方法,这对促进肝纤维化无创诊断技术的发展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 超声弹性成像;超声图像;血清标志物;肝纤维化
英文摘要: Liver fibrosis caused by viral hepatitis is a global challenge. It is very important to accurately evaluate the extent of fibrosis for treatment design and evaluation. Liver biopsy is the current gold standard for fibrosis diagnosis. However, it is invasive and can hardly be widely used. With the previous work foundation, this project proposes a novel non-invasive method for fibrosis diagnosis, which innovatively combines ultrasound image, ultrasound elastography, and serum marker. This method breaks through the limitation of single method by acquiring comprehensive information of liver structure, biomechanical properties, and metabolic process. This project will integrate animal study and clincal research to explore the key scientific problems such as texture analysis, new elastography method study with dynamic machanic analysis, statistical study for combining method. The development of this study will change the limitation of current single diagnosis method for fibrosis, eslablish a new mehod for comprehensive evaluation of the fibrosis extent. It will be important to promote the diagnosis technology of liver fibrosis.
英文关键词: ultrasound elastography;ultrasound image;serum marker;liver fibrosis