项目名称: Fe-Ga磁致伸缩合金轧制板带的织构与磁畴研究
项目编号: No.51271019
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 高学绪
作者单位: 北京科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 高磁致伸缩性能的Fe-Ga合金轧制薄带能有效降低材料较高频率使用下的涡流损耗,实现高功率、高可靠、长寿命的低成本超声换能技术。然而与单晶、取向多晶相比,Fe-Ga轧制薄带磁致伸缩性能仍有很大的提升空间,这与Fe-Ga轧制板带的织构和磁畴结构研究不足,对它们与磁致伸缩性能间的制约关系认识不足有关。本课题组在Fe-Ga轧制薄带的成形技术上取得了重要研究进展,今欲在前期研究工作基础上,开展Fe-Ga合金轧制板带材料织构、磁畴结构相关研究,探索织构和磁畴结构与磁致伸缩性能的关系,研究第二相粒子作为抑制剂促进高斯或立方织构形成的作用机理,研究高斯或立方二次晶粒形核和长大机制,研究磁场、应力场及退火气氛对织构和磁畴结构的影响规律和和作用机制,建立Fe-Ga轧制板带控制取向生长模型,建立板带磁畴与磁致伸缩相互关系模型,为提高Fe-Ga合金轧制板带材料磁致伸缩性能提供理论和实验依据。
中文关键词: Fe-Ga 合金;磁致伸缩;轧制板带;织构;磁畴
英文摘要: Fe-Ga rolled sheets with high magnetostriction can greatly reduce the eddy current, and make the ultrasonic transducer with high power capicity, high reliability and long life possible at a much lower cost compared with rare-earth magnetostrictive materials. However, compared with single crystals and textured poly-crystals, much investigation is needed to increase the magnetostriction. Research of magnetic domains and the evolution of textures in rolled Fe-Ga sheets is still insufficient. Our research group have made great progress in the plastic deformation of Fe-Ga alloys, and successfully made rolled Fe-Ga sheets. Now we intend to explore the role of textures and magnetic domains in the magnetostriction of rolled Fe-Ga sheets,explore the role of precipitation as inhibitors to facilitate the Goss or cubic textures,investigate the mechanism of nucleation and grain growth of Goss or cubic grains,investigate the action of textures and magnetic domains by use of magnetic field,stress field and annealing atmosphere.Then, we try to build a model of oriented grain growth, and understand the relationship between magnetic domains and magnetostriction in rolled Fe-Ga sheets. Finally, we hope our research results will give the theoretical and experimental basis to improve the magnetostrcition of Fe-Ga rolled sheets.
英文关键词: Fe-Ga alloys;magnetostriction;rolled sheets;texture;magnetic domain