项目名称: 化学消毒食品中氨基脲的形成机理及控制措施研究
项目编号: No.31201444
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品加工过程中有害产物分析
项目作者: 沈金灿
作者单位: 深圳出入境检验检疫局食品检验检疫技术中心
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 近年来食品中SEM污染广受关注,并严重影响了食品企业的出口贸易。化学消毒作为一种便捷的消毒方式被广泛用于食品的消毒处理,然而最新研究表明经过化学消毒容易导致食品产生氨基脲(SEM)污染。在该研究领域,迄今为止国内外相关研究少,消毒过程中不同消毒剂的影响、SEM的产生途径以及形成机理尚不清楚。基于此,项目针对食品在化学消毒处理中引起的SEM污染问题,围绕消毒过程中SEM的消除或控制为目标,采用色谱-质谱联用分析技术,系统考察化学消毒过程中不同化学消毒剂对于SEM产生的影响,探索食品中SEM产生的源头及其与消毒剂间的联系,研究化学消毒剂与SEM源头组分间的反应机制,以期从分子水平上揭示化学消毒过程中SEM的产生途径和形成机理,为化学消毒食品中SEM的控制提供理论依据和技术支撑。本研究对于指导食品企业进行科学、合理消毒,打破国外严苛的贸易技术壁垒,保障消毒食品安全等方面具有重要的经济和社会效益。
中文关键词: 氨基脲;形成机理;控制措施;化学消毒;食品
英文摘要: Semicarbazide(SEM)contamination in food is attracted more and more attentions in these years, and it serious effects export of food. Chemical disinfection is widely used as an efficient and effective disinfection treatment for food. However, recent study suggests chemical disinfection is prone to result SEM contamination in food. Few researches in this research area are found at home and abroad to date. The effect of different disinfectant, the SEM formation way and corresponding mechanism are not clear. Therefore, this research focuses on the issue of SEM contamination by chemical disinfection, and aim at eliminating or controlling SEM contamination in food disinfection process. Research on effects of SEM formation by different disinfectant, source of SEM formation in food and relationship with disinfectant, reaction mechanism between disinfectants and SEM source components will be carried out to gain an insight into SEM producing way and formation mechanism in food disinfection process, and it will provide theory basis and technical support for controlling SEM contamination in food disinfected by chemicals. The research can be of great economic and social benefits for guiding food enterprises scientific and reasonable disinfecting,breaking the foreign strict technical barriers,and ensuring the safety of food
英文关键词: semicarbazide;formation mechanism;control measures;chemical disinfection;food