项目名称: 基于非圆信号的UUV舷侧阵水下目标探测技术研究
项目编号: No.61501374
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 史文涛
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本项目密切结合无人水下航行器(UUV)舷侧阵对水下目标协同探测的迫切需求,及水下目标探测与通信一体化的应用背景,深入研究基于非圆信号的UUV舷侧阵水下目标探测技术,以提高UUV舷侧阵对水下目标的检测概率和参数估计分辨率等性能。研究非圆信号的非圆特性,提出UUV舷侧阵水下目标主动探测的发射波形优化设计方法,并提出基于非圆信号的UUV舷侧阵水下目标检测方法和参数估计方法;同时,结合多输入多输出(MIMO)阵列处理理论,提出基于非圆信号的UUV舷侧MIMO阵列高分辨率方位估计方法;最后通过仿真和实验验证相关方法的有效性,并根据实验结果完善和改进所提出的方法。本项目研究成果可有效提高UUV舷侧阵的目标探测能力,可广泛应用于声纳、声自导系统、水下网络、雷达、导航等相关领域。
中文关键词: 水下重点项目群;目标探测;UUV舷侧阵;非圆信号;MIMO阵列
英文摘要: Combined with the application of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) flank array and with the signal integration of targets detection and communication, we will focus on the underwater target detection based on the non-circular signal to improve the performance of underwater target detection. By exploiting the non-circular property, the optimal design methods of transmitted waveform for underwater targets active detection will be proposed in this project and the methods of UUV flank array underwater target detection for the non-circular signal will be given. Also, the theory of Multiple-Input Multiple-Out (MIMO) array will be studied. The non-circular techniques will be proposed for DOA estimation by UUV flank MIMO array. Finally, the water tank and lake experiments will be conducted to evaluate the performance of these proposed methods. The achievements of this project can improve the performance of underwater targets detection for UUV flank array. All these achievements not only be used in acoustic homing system and sonar system, but also be extended for radar, navigation, and other related fields.
英文关键词: key project group of underwater acoustics;targets detection;UUV flank array;non-circular signal;MIMO array