项目名称: 随机接入中的分布式功率控制和数据包编码传输
项目编号: No.61501123
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 许崇斌
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 随机接入是一种简单灵活的多址方式,广泛应用于无线局域网、传感器网络、认知无线电等通信系统中。但由于缺少集中控制,系统在多用户同时传输时会发生冲突。冲突的存在限制了随机接入的性能。现代检测和编译码技术的发展为解决冲突问题提供了可能。但对于如何设计传输策略,从而更好的利用这些技术的潜在性能优势,学术界仍然缺少系统的研究。.基于现代检测和编译码技术的应用,同一时刻传输的不同数据包可以通过适当的功率控制区分,而同一数据包在不同时刻的传输可以通过编码来综合利用。本项目以分布式功率控制和数据包编码传输的设计为核心,以降低冲突造成的性能下降为总体目标,研究各种系统条件下的传输策略设计问题。相应的方法,可以在不改变系统信道编码和调制方式的条件下,实现功率损耗、复杂度和性能的折衷;并提供一定的服务质量保证。项目的研究结果,不仅对随机接入系统的设计和性能优化有重要价值;而且对随机网络的理论研究也具有一定意义。
中文关键词: 多址通信
英文摘要: Random access is a simple and flexible multiple access technique, which is widely used in communication systems such as WLAN, sensor networks, cognitive radio, and so on. However, due to the lack of centralized control, concurrent multi-user transmissions will lead to collision problem, which imposes a limit on the performance of random access systems. While development of modern detection and coding techniques makes it possible to solve such a collision problem, there lacks a systematic framework on how to design transmission strategies that can fully harvest potential benefits of these sophisticated techniques. ..With modern detection and coding techniques, the packets transmitted simultaneously can be recovered with proper power control, and the transmissions of the same packet can be combined through coding techniques. In this project, we discuss transmission strategy design for random access under different system conditions. We focus on the design of decentralized power control and packet coded transmission to solve the performance degradation problem caused by collisions. The proposed designs can provide a nice tradeoff among power consumption, complexity and performance without changing the channel coding and modulation schemes, and satisfy certain quality of service requirements. The project is not only important for system design and performance improvement of random access systems but also helpful for the theoretical study of random networks.
英文关键词: multiple access communication