项目名称: 高线密度极紫外切片多层膜光栅设计与制作方法研究
项目编号: No.11305104
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 吴文娟
作者单位: 上海应用技术学院
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 衍射光栅具有色散、分束、偏振调制和位相匹配等功能,在极紫外与软X射线波段,光栅的线密度要求极高,通常要求几千甚至上万线每毫米。高线密度的衍射光栅是最重要的色散元件之一,在光学仪器,空间探测,同步辐射,惯性约束聚变诊断实验,自由电子激光脉冲压缩等领域有广泛应用,如,德国FLASH自由电子激光装置采用切片多层膜光栅成功实现了10fs的脉冲压缩。随着我国极紫外自由电子激光装置的建设,急需开展线密度高达上万线的高分辨率光栅。本项目采用切片多层膜方法制作光栅,研究切片多层膜光栅的设计与制作方法.先在超光滑Si基板上镀上千层高低原子序数材料的纳米厚度的多层膜,然后沿一定倾角将此多层膜切开,经过抛光形成了周期光栅结构。其线密度可以达到上万线/毫米,具有非常高的线密度。通过调整切角的大小,可以灵活调整光栅的周期长度。这些优点使得切片多层膜光栅在极紫外与软X射线波段具有极为重要的应用价值。
中文关键词: 光栅;多层膜;极紫外;磁控溅射;同步辐射
英文摘要: Diffractive grating provides the functions of dispersion, beam-splitting, polarization modulation, and phase matching. In extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray regions, the line density of grating will be larger than ten thousand percent millimeter. High line density diffraction grating is one of the most important dispersion optical elements, which is widely used in optical instrument, space observation, synchrotron radiation, plasma diagnostics for inertial confine fusion, pulse duration suppression for free electron laser. By using siliced multilayer grating, 10 fs pulse was successfully reached in FLASH in Germany. In our country, the requirement is urgent to develop the line density grating larger than ten thousand. In this project, the design and fabrication of sliced multilayer grating will be studied. Firstly, the high- and low-Z nanometer size multi-layer with several thousands layer number will be deposited onto super-polishing silicon substrate. Then, the multilayer will be sliced in the direction of a certain angle. After polishing, the periodic grating structure is formed. Its line density is up to more than ten thousand. Secondly, the period of grating can be adjusted by change the slicing angle. These advantages will make the sliced multilayer grating promising application in extreme ultraviolet and
英文关键词: grating;multilayer;exteme ulatraviolet;magnetron sputtering;synchrotron radiation