项目名称: 面向多频段射频信号光子辅助处理的光电振荡器关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61475015
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王目光
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 面向未来民用和军用微波系统的多频段射频信号处理的重大需求,结合光电振荡器(OEO)国内外的发展趋势,本课题将围绕高性能OEO关键技术和面向多频段射频信号处理的OEO应用技术中的关键科学问题,开展一系列的创新性理论和实验研究。在OEO的边模抑制、相位噪声、长期频率稳定性、振荡频率和相位大范围同时可调等关键技术上取得突破。进一步设计和实验研究具有任意倍频因子的OEO结构,扩展基于OEO的微波源的工作频率范围。同时,研究基于高性能OEO的频率间隔和中心波长独立可调的光学频率梳;研究注入锁定OEO的多纵模振荡工作机制,优化系统结构参数实现基于OEO的频率间隔可调的平顶微波频率梳;建立具有多频段射频信号上下变频功能的光子辅助微波处理平台,建立宽带射频信号多频点感知的信道化接收机。为未来微波系统的多频段射频信号光子辅助处理系统结构、关键器件和技术提供理论和实验支持。
中文关键词: 光电子器件;光电振荡器;微波光子;光学频率梳;微波频率梳
英文摘要: Facing the great demand of multiband RF signal processing in the future civil and military microwave systems, and considering the status and development trend of optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) at home and abroad, a series of innovative theoretical and experimental studies on the areas of high performance of OEO and the application for the multiband RF signal processing of OEO will be carried out in this project. Some breakthroughs are predicted in the key techniques of side-mode suppression, low phase noise, high long-term stability, large frequency and phase tunability of OEO. A tunable arbitrary frequency-multiplying OEO will be proposed and demonstrated experimentally to expand the operating frequency range of the OEO-based microwave source. Meanwhile, based on the high performance OEO, the optical frequency comb with a widely tunable center wavelength and comb spacing will be studied. By studying the multi-longitudinal mode oscillation mechanism of injection locking OEO and optimizing the system configuration parameters, a flat-top microwave frequency comb with tunable comb spacing will be presented. A photonic-assisted microwave processing platform with multi-band RF signal down- and up-conversion, and a photonic-assisted channelized receiver of broadband RF signal will be established. The above research achievements will provide the theoretical and experimental supports for the photonic-assisted processing of multiband RF signal in future microwave systems.
英文关键词: Optoelectronic components;Optoelectronic oscillator;Microwave photonics;Optical frequency comb;Microwave frequency comb