项目名称: 基于多模态MRI语前聋伴认知障碍患者注意网络变化及其发生机制的研究
项目编号: No.81501449
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 李建红
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 研究表明语前聋患者的注意功能发生了变化,导致其认知功能障碍,严重影响了患者的生活质量,并带来了很大的经济社会负担。与听健者比较,语前聋伴认知障碍患者的注意相关脑网络属性和代谢发生了哪些改变尚不清楚,其脑网络属性和代谢的改变与患者的认知水平有何关系尚不明确。解决此问题能揭示语前聋伴认知障碍患者注意功能改变的脑发生机制。本研究拟采用注意网络测试(ANT)检测耳聋伴认知障碍成人患者注意网络的变化情况,并依据基于图论的脑网络研究方法,基于静息态功能连接和皮层厚度测量构建其注意脑功能和结构网络,并探索网络属性特征的变化;采用酰胺质子转移成像(APT)研究其注意脑区代谢的变化特点,并进一步研究这些变化与受试者认知评分的相关性。通过多模态MRI研究试图阐明耳聋伴认知障碍成人患者注意脑网络、脑代谢的变化特点及其与患者认知水平的关系,揭示患者认知障碍的脑改变机制,期望为其诊断及干预提供客观依据。
中文关键词: 语前聋;认知障碍;注意网络;脑网络;脑代谢
英文摘要: Recent evidence suggests that most of the prelingual deafness present attentional changes following variety cognitive impairment, which seriously affect the quality of their life, and bring lots of economic and social burden. However, it remains unclear whether the deprivation of hearing input would result in the differences in attentional brain network and metabolism. The relationship between these potential changes and the cognitive level in deaf are not understood. Addressing these issues are critical to understand the possible mechanisms of the cognitive impairment in deaf. Therefore, we will test the efficiency of three attentional systems (alerting , spatial orienting and executive control) in prelingually deaf adults with cognitive impairment using the Attention Network Test (ANT), study structural and functional changes of the attentional brain network using complex networks derived from resting-state functional connectional magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) and cortical thickness analysis in prelingually deaf adults with cognitive impairment, and analyze the alteration of brain metabolism by using amide proton transfer (APT), We will also study the correlation between the changes and the cognitive abilities assessment indicators. On the basis of these findings, we expect to clarify the changes of brain network and metabolism following hearing loss with cognitive impairment, and to reveal the possible pathophysiological mechanisms of the deaf patients with cognitive impairment, and further to provide imaging marker of brain network for its diagnosis and rehabilitation.
英文关键词: Prelingual deafness;Cognitive impairment;Attentional network;Brain network;Brain metabolism