项目名称: 深空通信中的自适应容错图像编码器实现方法研究
项目编号: No.61301287
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 雷杰
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 深空通信的最大特点是通信距离远、测控时延大,这种应用环境下如果图像编码器载荷出现故障而依靠地面控制系统来修复的话,会导致探测任务长时间中断,影响关键科学数据的及时获取。因此,研究具有在线自修复功能的强容错图像编码器显得尤为重要。然而,随着深空探测图像类型和分辨率的增加,对于图像编码器的编码性能要求也在不断提高。但是,提高编码性能势必会增加编码器硬件结构的复杂度,难以增加容错保护电路而导致编码器的容错性能下降。如何克服这个矛盾,使得编码性能和容错性能在同一个图像编码应用系统中兼得?针对这一问题,我们将通过研究自适应硬件结构调整的方法和硬件容错的方法,针对图像编码器电路结构进行优化设计,在有限的逻辑资源上实现具有错误自修复功能的、能够根据外部环境变化自适应调整自身硬件结构以增强容错性能的图像编码器硬件系统,满足深空通信环境的应用需求。
中文关键词: 图像编码器;自适应硬件结构;自修复容错;深空通信;
英文摘要: Super long-distance is the main charicteristic of deep space communication, which induces large control delay. Under this environment, it is unacceptable to repair the image coder through telecommands transmitted by the ground control system when it occurs failure, because that would lead to long-time function interruption and lost of important science data. Therefore, it is especially crucial to propose a high fault-tolerant image coder with self-healing feature. With an increasing growth of image type and resolution, the requirement for high encoding performance enlarges. However, improving encoding performance certainly will increace the complexity of hardware structure of encoder, which makes the fault-tolerant property of encoder declines for the lack of redundant resource to add error protection circuits. How to solve the conflict between encoding performance and fault-tolerance? To this problem, by thorough research on the methods of adaptive fault-tolerant hardware structure design, we will design and implement an self-healing image coding hardware system on resource limited platform that could adaptively change itself hardware architecture to accommodate environment variation satisfied for application requirement in deep space commumication.
英文关键词: image coder;self-adaptive hardware architecture;self-healing fault-tolerant;deep space communication;