项目名称: 变化环境下基于双层包气带水分运移机制的流域植被-水文双向耦合模型研究
项目编号: No.41271004
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张静
作者单位: 首都师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 青年基金重要进展:建立了基于双层包气带水分运移机制的地表水-地下水耦合模型IHM。提出双层包气带创新理论,使集成模型考虑包气带土壤水分运移规律时,物理机制更趋完善,更好地描述地表水-地下水相互作用过程。学术成绩:1)发表学术论文16篇,SCI 7篇,EI 9篇;2)出版学术专著1部;3)获2010年度CIWEM国际水与环境管理特许协会最佳论文奖,申请人排名第一。研究内容:应用遥感技术与野外监测方法结合获取多元环境变量,建立长时间尺度流域水文集成模型。通过人工控制实验方法与野外生态监测研究结合,在多要素环境参量获取基础上,建立植被生长模型。以动态土壤水分联接水文模型与植被模型,分析流域水循环过程和植被系统的时空变化规律,环境变化对其影响与作用机制,以及水文过程和植被间的交互作用机制。通过数值模拟与数理统计分析,揭示流域水生态交互机制和特征,及特定情景和生态目标的区域水生态功能识别与管理研究
中文关键词: 流域生态水文;土壤水分;水文循环;水文模型;气候变化
英文摘要: mportant developments of Youth Science Foundation : establishment of a water transport mechanism based on double aerated with surface water - groundwater coupling model IHM. Proposed a novel theory-Two Layer Vadose Zone, which can much improve the physical mechanism of soil moisture movement, and better quality and quantity describe the surface water and groundwater interaction. Academic achievement: 1) published 16 high level of academic papers ( 7 articles with SCI index, 9 articles for EI index; 2) 1 monograph: surface water and groundwater in the integrated model of unsaturated zone moisture dynamics; 3) CIWEM "Highly Commended the Paper Award for 2010, the applicant ranked first. Research: In this research, the rural plain area in the Capital City of China, Beijing with water eco-system protection function has been selected as the study location which experiences period of drought and wetness annually. Based on the eco-hydrology methodology and support of the ecological field surveys and continuous observation means for eco-hydrology environmental elements, combined with experiments of vegetation water stress mechanism in wetland, integrated multiple geo-information technology and methods, the research would obtain valuable long-term multiple spatial and temporal scale quantity data on water and environment
英文关键词: Watershed eco-hydrological model;Soil moisture;Water cycle;Hydrological model;climate change