项目名称: 基于多波长半导体光纤环形腔激光器产生任意波形的研究
项目编号: No.61275067
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 李培丽
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 光学任意波形产生(OAWG)技术在超高速光通信、微波光子学以及高质量光源产生等领域均有着重要的应用价值,因此引起了国内外学者的广泛关注和研究兴趣。本项目基于多波长半导体光纤环形腔激光器(SFRL),提出了一种新颖的光学任意波形产生方案。在本方案中,多波长SFRL不仅提供性能优良的光梳,也实现独立谱线脉冲整形,结构简单;利用强度和相位可控梳状滤波器,在一条光路中实现光梳产生、解复用、调幅、调相和复用的功能,可充分保证光谱间的相干性,无需考虑波长对准问题,易于实现;易于与现有的光纤通信网络兼容,插入损耗低,成本低廉。本项目从器件设计、理论研究和任意波形产生系统实验三个方面展开研究,建立完善的理论模型,优化设计器件的结构参数和系统的工作参数,获得高光谱分辨率的优良光梳,产生所需的任意波形,进行基于多波长SFRL的OAWG的实验研究,最终探索一套相对完善的OAWG光学系统的理论体系和实验平台。
中文关键词: 光学任意波形产生;多波长光纤环形腔激光器;强度和相位可控梳状滤波器;光学任意波形测量;光学频率梳
英文摘要: Optical arbitrary waveform generation (OAWG) technology has important application values in the high-speed optical communications, microwave photonics and high quality light source fields. Therefore it attracts a wide attention and research interest of scholars at home and abroad. A novel scheme of OAWG, based on multi-wavelength semiconductor fiber ring laser (SFRL), is proposed in this project. The scheme is simple and easy to implement. The multi-wavelength SFRL is not only used to provide an excellent light comb, but also used to achieve the pulse shaping of independent spectral lines. By using the amplitude and phase controllable comb filter,the functions of light comb, wavelength demultiplexing, amplitude modulation, phase modulation, and wavelength multiplexing are all realized in a light path. So the coherence between the spectrum is guaranteed, and the wavelength alignment problem is ignored. The proposed OAWG system is compatible with the existing optical fiber communication networks. It is robust and low cost. We will investigate the proposed OAWG from three respects: the device design, the theoretical research, and experimental research. The broad-band dynamic model of this kind of OAWG will be established. The device structure parameters and working parameters will be optimized to achieve the excell
英文关键词: Optical arbitrary waveform generation;multi-wavelength semiconductor fiber ring laser;intensity and phase controllable comb filter;optical arbitrary waveform measurement;optical frequency comb