项目名称: 黑茶陈化过程中品质形成机理研究及黑茶年份推测模型构建
项目编号: No.31501542
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 李适
作者单位: 湖南农业大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 黑茶是中国六大茶类的一类,随贮藏时间延长“越陈越香”,陈年黑茶价值较新茶成倍提升。因此,深入探讨黑茶陈化过程中品质变化情况,科学揭示黑茶“越陈越香”品质的形成机制,具有重要的理论研究价值和现实意义。为阐释黑茶陈化机理,项目将对不同年份黑茶进行感官审评,从外形、内质、色差等角度探讨不同年份黑茶的感官品质特征。测定水浸出物、多酚总量,水溶性氨基酸、儿茶素、生物碱、有机酸、茶黄素等品质成分的组成及含量,了解它们在陈化过程中变化规律。采用气-质法(GC-MS)测定挥发性香气成分,近红外光谱技术(NIRS)提取茶叶全光谱信息,利用主成分分析、聚类分析等化学计量方法对香气和近红外光谱特征进行分析,构建基于香气成分和红外光谱特征的黑茶年份推测模型,为黑茶年份(区间)推断提供参考依据。研究结果将进一步丰富黑茶陈化过程中品质转化的理论研究体系,为科学饮用黑茶,引导市场理性消费、投资黑茶提供参考。
中文关键词: 黑茶;;陈化;感官评价;品质成分;;贮藏时间
英文摘要: Chinese tea broadly fall into six categories, dark tea is a member of the Chinese tea. The longer the dark tea has been stored,the better the quality, the price of the old dark tea also improved. Deep analysis and systematic study on quality formation of aging mechanism of dark tea has great significance in theory and practice.In order to study the aging mechanism of dark tea, organoleptic evaluation will be carried out for different years dark tea. Purpose to investigate the quality characteristic and difference between the samples which is in different storage time, the appearance, internal quality, chromatic aberration and the species and amount of microbes of different samples was analyzed and compared.To explore the rules of quality components changes during the aging process, variations of the chemical components (tea Polyphenols, water extract, free amino acids, caffeine, catechins,organic acid,theaflavins) and sensor qualities were studied and examined. The quality of the tea samples were also compared by sensory evaluation and the volatile constituents were investigated by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The aroma components of dark tea in different years were extracted with SDE method and analyzed by GC-MS. Depend on the acquired complete NIRS spectrum information of dark tea samples,construct mathematical models by mathematical methods which can fully represent the characteristics of whole spectrum and exclusive attributes of the dark tea samples.This study provides a reference to drinking tea properly, raising rational consumption and investment of dark tea.
英文关键词: Dark tea;Aging;Organoleptic evaluation;Quality components;Storage-time