项目名称: 全光网中基于监测迹的链路失效定位技术的研究
项目编号: No.61271165
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 徐世中
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 监测迹是全光网络生存性研究中用于光纤链路失效定位的一个较新方法。该方法利用一组可任意路由的监测波长来定位网络中的失效链路。它不仅解决了网络传统基于链路的监测方案需要大量监测器的问题,极大地减少故障管理系统的管理开销,而且去掉了监测环等基于通道监测方案中的光通道闭环约束,扩大了监测资源的优化空间,还能简便地实现监测器和监测波长之间的折中,因此该方法具有很好的应用前景。但是该方法尚处于研究初期,有大量的理论问题没有解决,包括如何为大型网络设计监测迹;监测迹在网络中是否具有一定的几何规律;监测迹如何受拓扑变化的影响等。基于此,本课题将探索监测迹设计的理论问题,并研究其在实践中的应用。拟研究内容包括四个方面:1)针对单链路故障定位的启发式算法; 2)在共享风险链路组失效和多链路失效的定位场景下的监测迹设计;3) 监测迹设计对网络拓扑结构多样性变化的适应能力及所需资源的变化;4) 监测迹结构的拓展。
中文关键词: 监测迹;失效定位;网络管理;资源优化;网络测量
英文摘要: Monitoring trail (m-trail) is a novel channel-based scheme for localizing link-failure in all-optical networks. It localizes link failure by the on-off status of a set of supervisory wavelength which can be routed arbitrarily in the networks. Compared with traditional link-based monitoring schemes, the number of required monitors is greatly reduced and the network management system can be substantially simplified in m-trail scheme. It also removes the loop-back structure constraint in previous channel-based monitoring schemes such as monitoring cycle, and hence it enlarges optimization space to minimize monitoring resource required. Another advantage of m-trail scheme is that the trading-off between the number of monitors and supervisory wavelength can be easily realized, which is a significant property in practical. However, there still remain a lot of theoretical problems, such as how to design m-trail in large size networks, whether m-trail structure is subject to some geometric properties and how the network topology affects m-trail (both in quantity and structure). Motivated by the significance of m-trail but the imperfection in current theoretic analysis, we plan to work on the following four aspects: 1) find efficient m-trail heuristics to localize single link failure unambiguously, 2) design m-trail for
英文关键词: monitoring trail;failure localization;network management;resource optimization;network measurement