项目名称: 稀土发光纳米晶的可控合成、表面功能化及在生物成像领域的应用
项目编号: No.21271053
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 杨飘萍
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 高质量发光纳米晶的可控合成及在生物医学领域的应用是近年来研究的热点课题之一。本项目拟采用两种路线(两步法和一步法)制备出高发光效率、高分散度、水溶性和生物功能性的荧光纳米晶。系统研究发光纳米晶的组成、形貌、尺寸、表面修饰、纳米特性与其光学等性质的内在关系,实现发光纳米晶尺寸和功能设计可调;通过调节掺杂稀土离子的种类和相对浓度,对发光纳米晶的发光性质进行精确调变,并研究纳米晶的光转换机制及发光性质与其结构、形态的内在联系;通过在纳米晶表面包覆氟化物壳层的方法减少表面缺陷所导致的无辐射衰减,大幅提高发光效率,解决液相法合成发光纳米晶发光效率低的关键问题;研究表面功能基团与细胞或活体内生物大分子特异性结合的规律和相互作用机制;对发光纳米晶在细胞和活体内的成像和毒性进行系统评价,为该类发光材料在生物标记、荧光成像等领域的广泛应用提供基础性研究数据及理论指导。
中文关键词: 稀土;荧光;功能化;生物成像;治疗
英文摘要: The controllable synthesis and application of high-quality luminescent nanocrystals in the field of biomedical science has been the research hot spot in recent years. In this proposal, luminescent nanocrystals with high luminescence efficiency, high dispersity, water-solubility, and biological function are to be synthesized through two routes (two-step and one-step methods). The relationship between the composition, morphology, size, surface modification, nano features and their fluorescent properties will be systematically investigated in order to achieve the size and function controlled synthesis of the final crystals. The photoluminescent properties of the nanocrystals will be accurately adjusted by tuning the kinds and concentrations of the doped rare earth ions. The fluorescnet mechanisms and the relationship between the fluorescence and the structure, phase will be also be studied. Furthermore, the as-synthesized fluorescent nanocrystals will be covered by fluoride layers to markedly improve the luminescence efficiency. The relationship and the action mechanism between the functionalized groups on the surface of nanocrystals and the biological macromolecules are also to be disucssed in detail. The bioimaging performance and biological toxicity of as-synthesized high-quality luminescent nanocrystals in vari
英文关键词: rare earth;luminescence;functionalization;bioimaging;therapy