项目名称: 球化交联酶聚集体-氧化硅杂化生物催化剂的可控制备及催化特性
项目编号: No.21276062
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 高静
作者单位: 河北工业大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 针对交联酶聚集体(CLEAs)存在的可控制备性差、机械强度低、稳定性差等问题,通过CLEAs、球化酶(Spherezyme)、膜乳化、仿生硅化等技术的有效结合,设计制备新型生物催化剂:提出球化CLEAs概念,通过传统乳化制备球形CLEAs;引入膜乳化技术,实现粒径均一球形CLEAs的可控制备;在CLEAs制备过程中引入聚赖氨酸(PLL)等来降低酶活损失,并依靠PLL等的诱导硅化功能,在CLEAs上沉积纳米氧化硅,提高CLEAs的机械强度和稳定性;以腈水合酶催化制备丙烯酰胺为模型物系, 解决现有工艺中酶稳定性差等缺点。本课题研究成果将为新型固定化酶设计与制备提供新的理论与方法,促进酶催化的工业化应用,还可为多酶CLEAs的构建奠定基础。本课题将膜乳化引入固定化酶的制备过程,深入研究膜乳化过程中的规律,使膜乳化成为固定化酶领域的一种通用技术,具有较强的理论研究意义和实用价值。
中文关键词: 交联酶聚集体;球化酶;仿生硅化;固定化酶;腈水合酶
英文摘要: Cross-linked enzymes aggregated (CLEAs) technique had been successfully applied in the preparation of carrier-free immobilized enzyme. Nevertheless, the poor controlling of the particle morphology and size, poor mechanical property, and poor stability of the CLEAs have hampered its wide applications. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the combination of the CLEAs, Spherezyme, membrane emulsification and biomimetic silicification techniques will be proposed in this project. Firstly, CLEAs microspheres will be prepared by using conventional emulsification method; Secondly, to control the microsphere size and uniformity, membrane emulsification will be adopted in this project; Thirdly, Poly-L-lysine (PLL) will be intruduced in the preparation process to protect the activity of enzyme; Forthly, to improve the mechanical property and stability of CLEAs, the hybrid biocatalyst CLEAs-silica will be prepared by the combination of CLEAs and biomimetic silicification. In this project, nitrile hydratase will be chosen as the model enzyme, which can be used as a catalyst for the enzymatic production of acrylamide. The results of this project will provide novel theoretical basis and technical support for the rational design of immobilized enzyme and the applications of multienzyme system. Additionally, the utilization of
英文关键词: cross-linked enzyme aggregates;spherezyme;biomimetic silicification;immobilized enzyme;nitrile hydratase