项目名称: 模拟月壤物理力学特性对钻进过程的影响机理研究
项目编号: No.51204151
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 冶金与矿业学科
项目作者: 高辉
作者单位: 中国地质大学(武汉)
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 我国探月工程三期目标要实现月表钻探取样,月球和地球环境差异很大,受火箭搭载能力的限制,所采用的钻进机具特殊,月壤的物理力学特性复杂,对钻进过程具有重要影响。通过对美国和前苏联采取的月壤样本以及取样机具进行调研,制备出模拟月壤,对模拟月壤进行地面实钻试验,实时监测回转转速、进尺速度、钻压、扭矩和功率等,建立模拟月壤的物理力学参数同钻进规程参数关系的数学模型。通过离散元法对月壤的钻进过程进行数值模拟,研究月壤颗粒在螺旋叶片上和取芯管内的运动规律,揭示钻进过程中的排粉机理以及月壤特性、钻进规程参数对取芯率的影响机理。运用经典力学理论和相似性原理,通过改变重力加速度的值为地球重力加速度的1/6,将数学模型推演到月球微重力环境下,分析实际月球钻进过程中月壤与机具的相互作用机理,并对钻具的结构参数、钻进规程参数进行优化,为提高钻进效率、提高月壤采取率,确保采样过程顺利进行提供重要的理论基础和科学依据。
中文关键词: 模拟月壤;力学特性;钻进过程;相互作用;离散元
英文摘要: The objective of the third stage of China's Lunar Exploration Program is to realize the drilling and sampling on the lunar surface. The environment on the earth and the moon is significantly different. Due to the limitation of the carrying ability of the rocket, the drilling tools are special. The physical mechanical properties of the lunar soil are complicated and make important influence on the drilling process. Through the survey on the lunar soil samples and the sampling tools used by USA and Soviet, produce the lunar soil stimulant and carry out the drilling experiments. Monitor the rotary speed, penetration rate, drilling pressure, torque and power etc. and build the mathematical model of the relation between physical mechanical properties of the lunar soil stimulant and drilling parameters. Simulate the drilling process numerically on the lunar soil by the Discrete Element Method and analyze the moving characteristics of lunar soil particles on the helical blade and inside the corer, in order to reveal the mechanism of cutting removal during drilling process and the influence mechanism of lunar soil characteristics as well as drilling parameters on the sampling ratio. According to the classical mechanics theory and the similarity principle, by replace the acceleration of gravity with 1/6 of that on the e
英文关键词: lunar soil simulant;mechanical property;drilling process;interaction;discrete element method