项目名称: 基于逻辑的软件体系结构多目标进化优化方法
项目编号: No.61305079
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杜欣
作者单位: 福建师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对如何在庞大的离散设计空间中,找出满足多个质量属性需求的最优软件体系结构问题,研究基于逻辑的软件体系结构(简记为SA)表示、质量改进及评估技术,使得SA质量改进和评估可在统一的逻辑框架下进行,并独立于具体优化过程;研究能有效使用逻辑表示的质量改进知识,并充分考虑SA优化需求(在限定Pareto最优SA个数的情况下,尽可能多地包含存在权衡点的SA,同时使Pareto最优SA具有良好的代表性)的多目标进化算法,进一步研究该算法的收敛性和解质量评价方法;在此基础上,研发基于逻辑的SA多目标优化框架,并将上述成果有机结合,形成系统的、基于逻辑的SA多目标演化优化方法。开展案例研究,给出应用示范。本项目将逻辑方法与演化技术紧密结合研究SA多目标优化方法,在学术上具有较强的创新性和一定的理论价值。本项目的研究成果在缩短SA开发周期、降低开发成本以及提高设计质量等方面都具有重要应用价值。
中文关键词: 进化算法;软件体系结构;多目标优化;软件体系结构优化;
英文摘要: To solve the problem that is how to find the optimal software architecture satisfying multiple quality attributes in a huge discrete design space, this project will carry out the following studies: (1)Research logic-based software architecture representation, quality improvement and evaluation technology which enable these technology to be implemented in a unified logic framework and to be independent of the specific optimization process; (2)Design a software architecture multi-objective evolutionary algorithm which can effectively use the logic-based knowledge about quality improvement and can fully take into account requirement of software architecture optimization (In the case of limiting the number of Pareto optimal software architectures, those architectures which exist tradeoff point should be contained in Pareto optimal software architectures as many as possible, while Pareto optimal software architectures are well representative.) evaluation method of this algorithm;(3)Develop a logic-based software architecture multi-objective optimization framework which will implement a systematic logic-based software architecture multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach;(4)Conduct case study to validate our approach and demonstrate practical application. The innovation and academic value of our approach lie
英文关键词: Evolutionary algorithm;Software architecture;Multi-object optimization;Software architecture optimization;