项目名称: 北冰洋太平洋扇区海冰分布年代际变化的机制研究
项目编号: No.40876003
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 苏洁
作者单位: 中国海洋大学
项目金额: 39万元
中文摘要: 围绕课题研究内容,较好地完成了计划的任务。首先收集了用于海冰年代际变化研究的海冰密集度格点数据、用于相应的年代际影响因子研究的大气资料、及用于比较冰-海洋模拟结果的海冰和海洋网格化数据和观测数据;建立了太平洋扇区及西北航道区域关键区域的海冰面积时间序列,确定了太平洋扇区海冰年代际变化的转折点;分析了海冰和大气因子的相关性及海冰密集度与气象场的耦合振荡的特征,提出大尺度大气和海洋因子在不同阶段对研究海区海冰变化起主要作用的观点,讨论了大尺度大气环流对北极海冰年代际变化影响的动力机制;完成NEMO冰-海洋模式气候态及多年变化的模拟,研究了太平洋入流等局地因子对研究海区海冰的影响。针对西北航道区域的海冰分布提出了代表通航程度的指数,并分析了影响航道通航的主要因素;同时还研究了海冰年代际变化不同时段对应的海冰分布、上层海洋环流形式及时间变化及海冰与次表层暖水的关系等。 通过课题的执行,较系统地研究了太平洋扇区海冰变化的年代际变化,发表论文13篇(其中2篇为接收),其中SCI收录1篇,EI收录7篇。申请发明专利1项。发表科普书籍1册。参加国际会议口头报告7人次。培养博士生4名,硕士生4名。
中文关键词: 太平洋扇区;海冰;年代际变化;
英文摘要: The project was finished and the plan was fulfilled according to the research content. We collected necessary data which are useful to study the inter-decadal variability of sea ice, atmospheric and oceanic factors, including gridded sea ice concentration data, the atmospheric data,assimilated ocean and sea-ice data for comparing with coupled ocean-ice global general circulation model result,as well as the observed data. We established the time series of sea-ice area in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean and in key district of northwest pathway and determed the year of the inter-decadal sea ice shift; we analyzed the correlations of sea ice to the atmospheric factors, studied the coupled oscillation features of sea-ice concentration and meteorological fields, Then made a point that sea ice in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean is mainly influenced by the large scale atmospheric and oceanic factors in different time periods. At last we discussed the mechanism of the impact of large scale atmospheric circulation on the Arctic sea ice inter-decadal variability. We got a climatologic and multiple-years run of NEMO model and used the model to study several local factors' (e.g. the Pacific inflow) influences on the sea ice in the research area. A new index for the navigation from sea ice distribution in the northwest pathway was developed and the main controlling factors of navigation were discussed. The study about the sea ice distribution in the different time periods of sea ice inter-decadal variability, the variability of ocean current in upper layer, and the relation between the sea ice condition and the Near Surface Temperature Maximum were studied as well. During carrying out the project, 13 papers have been published (2 of them are in accepting condition), and among them 1 paper was cited by SCI, 7 were cited by EI. We applied one inventive patent, and published one popular science reading, joined several international conferences with 7 oral presentations. 4 doctor students and 4 master students were trained during the project.
英文关键词: Pacific sector; sea ice; interdecatal varibility