项目名称: 一个新的lncRNA ZEB1-AS1调控ZEB1及其下游靶分子
项目编号: No.81502216
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 苏文敬
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 前列腺癌是男性泌尿生殖系统最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。既往研究表明,ZEB1与前列腺癌Gleason评分直接相关,并与前列腺癌进展关系密切。申请者前期研究发现,ZEB1基因上游启动子区存在一条新的长非编码RNA ZEB1-AS1,ZEB1-AS1可能正向调控ZEB1基因的表达。本课题以此为切入点,采用RACE、基因克隆、shRNA转染、腺病毒感染、CHIP、RIP、RNA-EMSA等方法,就ZEB1-AS1对ZEB1基因的调控作用及其机制进行研究,并就ZEB1-AS1对前列腺癌生物学行为和预后的影响进行探索。该研究对阐明ZEB1-AS1在ZEB1基因表达调控中的作用具有重要意义,并将为其他更多lncRNA的研究提供借鉴。
中文关键词: 长非编码RNA;ZEB1-AS1;ZEB1;前列腺肿瘤
英文摘要: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the male genitourinary system. Previous researches show that ZEB1 is closely correlated with Gleason score and progression of prostate cancer. In our earlier studies, we noticed a new long non-coding RNA ZEB1-AS1 in the promoter region of ZEB1 gene, which might participate in the positive regulation of ZEB1. In this study, with the methods such as RACE, gene cloning, shRNA transfection, recombinant adenovirus system, CHIP, RIP and RNA-EMSA, we try to elucidate the way and the molecular mechanisms by which ZEB1-AS1 regulates ZEB1, and investigate the influence of ZEB1-AS1 on the biological behaviors and prognosis of prostate cancer. This study will be of great significance for clarifying the role of ZEB1-AS1 in ZEB1 regulation and will provide a reference for the study of more lncRNAs.
英文关键词: lncRNA;ZEB1-AS1;ZEB1;prostate cancer