项目名称: 无线多跳网络物理层安全理论与关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61771203
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2018
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘元
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 16万元
中文摘要: 无线传输介质的开放性使得无线通信系统更容易遭受安全威胁。同时,无线物理层资源的多样性和物理层传输技术的迅猛发展,为物理层安全技术开辟了巨大的研究空间。无线多跳网络涉及通信网络中的各种问题,其中安全问题尤为突出,例如无线信号在多跳大范围开放空间中扩散时,被截获的危险性增大。本项目立足于窃听者信道状态信息不完全已知等实际网络特性,深入研究制约无线多跳网络安全性能的规律。本项目针对线性多跳网络建模和定量分析其网络安全性能,并在此基础上优化无线网络资源。
中文关键词: 无线物理层安全;多跳网络;协作通信
英文摘要: The broadcasting nature of wireless medium leads to more security threats for wireless communications. At the same time, the diversity of wireless resources and physical layer transmission technologies provide huge research room for physical layer security. Wireless multi-hop networks involve all problems of communication networks, and the security problem is more prominent, e.g., the eavesdropping probability is increasing when wireless signals are transmitted over multi-hops. Based on the practical network feature that the channel state information (CSI) of eavesdroppers are imperfect, the project digs into the laws of multi-hop network security constraints and designs resource allocation schemes in different scenarios. For linear multi-hop networks, we model and quantitatively analyze their security performance and optimize resource.
英文关键词: Wireless physical layer security;Multi-hop networks;Cooperative communications