项目名称: 地空链路激光脉冲波束大气湍流传输与目标散射场量的高阶统计相关特征研究
项目编号: No.61271110
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王明军
作者单位: 咸阳师范学院
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 项目将开展地空链路上激光脉冲波束大气湍流传输与目标散射的高阶统计相关特征建模和应用研究,寻求大气湍流、目标探测所涉及到的新技术,新概念,实现激光散射和传输基础理论的突破和创新。主要工作有:(1)获取粗糙面和体目标激光脉冲波束散射场的高阶统计特征。(2)研究从弱到强大气湍流激光脉冲脉冲波束的传播特征,讨论水平和斜程路径传输场量的二阶、四阶和高阶统计特征,分析大气湍流对激光脉冲波束传播的影响。(3)开展体目标激光脉冲波束散射场量和传输场量高阶统计相关性研究,寻求激光散斑产生的电磁和光学理论机理,奠定激光成像评估和动态散斑探测的研究基础。(4)建立地空链路上目标激光脉冲波束探测模型,分析目标表面材料自身物性、大气湍流模式,传播距离等因素对探测结果的影响。项目成果将为我国开展地空目标激光探测提供精细模型,对航空航天、国防、气象等部门中激光雷达探测、监测工程应用有重要意义。
中文关键词: 散射;散射特征;光波传播;大气湍流;目标模型
英文摘要: The project will research to build models on the fields of high-order statistical correlations between the laser pulse beam scattered from target with rough surface and it propagated in atmosphere turbulence in air-groud double detected paths and make the models in many national applications. In the same time, some new technologies, novel conceptions on the target detected in atmosphere turbulence will be seeked, and some breakthroughs and innovations on the theories of laser scattering and propagation will be realized. The mainly works are as followings: (1) the high-order statistical characteristics of laser pulse beam sacttering from the target and rough surface will be obtained. (2) The characteristics of laser pulse beam propagated in the weak and strong air-ground atmosphere turbulence will be studied, to detailly discuss the level and slant path of the second order, fourth order statistical moments, and analyze the impact of atmospheric turbulence on the laser pulse beam propagation. (3)Under atmosphere turblunce en environment, the interesting researchs of high-order statistical correlations between the laser pulse beam scattered and propagated fields will be carried out to seek out the electromagnetic and optical principles which laser speckle is produced.Our resultes will build foundations for further
英文关键词: scattering;scattering characteristics;light wave propagation;atmospheric turbulence;target model