项目名称: 面向对等结构的分布式时空索引技术研究
项目编号: No.61303062
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 张翀
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 随着采集手段不断提高与应用不断发展,时空数据的应用范围遍及交通、气象监测、军事等多个领域,海量的规模对时空数据的管理方法带来挑战,容易导致各类应用中时空查询低效。对等计算作为一种增强计算性能的计算模式,为时空数据管理方式提供了一条新途径。本课题针对海量时空数据中如何快速高效完成各类时空查询的问题,提出研究面向对等结构的分布式时空索引技术,重点开展时空索引的基本框架结构、时空索引动态自适应机制、各类时空查询算法、时空索引的查询代价评估技术等研究,突破如何灵活划分索引信息、如何支持时空信息频繁更新等关键问题,从而提供高效稳定的时空查询能力。本课题具有较大的理论和应用价值,将为高效共享时空信息资源提供技术支撑,为探索新型时空数据管理模式提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 时空查询;对等计算;索引;分布式;
英文摘要: With the development of gathering and applying, spatio-temporal data involves in many aspects, such as transportation, weather report, military and so on. It is a challenge that large-scale spatio-temporal data versus data management,which will bring spatio-temporal query inefficiency. Peer-to-Peer computing (P2P)emerges as a computation-enhanced paradigm, which provides a novel approach to manage spatio-temporal data. This work aims at achieving high-efficient and more scalable spatio-temporal query capability. It propose a study on distributed spatio-temporal index of peer-to-peer structure. The work mainly focuses on framework and basic structure of spatio-temporal index, self-adaptive index, kinds of spatio-temporal query algorithms, query cost evaluation of the index. The key problems of index information partitioning, data frequent update supporting will be solved in the work, so that fast and steady spatio-temporal query capacity can be provided. This work will support technique for sharing spatio-temporal information, also, it is meaningful to provide a basis for exploring novel spatio-temporal data management.
英文关键词: Spatio-temporal Query;Peer-to-Peer Computing;Index;Distributed;