项目名称: kWh/百kW级快速充放电混合磁悬浮高速飞轮储能系统中的基础科学和关键技术问题
项目编号: No.51477155
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 祝长生
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 95万元
中文摘要: 高速飞轮储能具有储能密度大、效率高、响应快、功率等级宽、工作方式灵活、可靠性高、环境友好等显著特点,在能量回收、电力系统调峰、可再生能源利用、国防等领域有着重要的应用前景。本项目以储能为几个kWh(1-5kWh)、一体化电动/发电机功率为百kW(75-250kW)、最大工作转速为3.5万rpm的混合磁悬浮高速飞轮储能系统为对象,以工程中快速充放电(几十秒)应用为背景,通过对高速飞轮储能系统中低损耗的混合磁轴承、高效高速大功率永磁电动/发电机、高效大功率双向能量变换器等关键部件,以及高速大功率永磁电动/发电机与双向能量变换器间的场-路耦合和飞轮转子-混合磁轴承-电动/发电机间的机-电耦合等子系统开展深入系统的理论和实验研究,解决kWh/百kW级快速充放电混合磁悬浮高速飞轮储能系统中的基础科学和关键技术问题,为高速飞轮储能系统的工程应用提供技术支撑。
中文关键词: 高速飞轮储能;磁悬浮轴承;高速永磁电机;主动振动控制;双向能量变换器
英文摘要: The hybrid-magnetic suspended high-speed flywheel energy storage system, characterized by high energy density, high energy efficiency, fast response, wide power range, easy use, high reliability and long lifetime, and environment green, can be widely applied in many fields such as energy recovery of transpiration, electrical power system, renewable energy resource, and specified equipments. The object of this project is focused on key components and sub-systems in the fast charging/discharging hybrid-magnetic suspended high-speed flywheel energy system with a energy storage of 1-5kWh, a integrated motor/generator power of 100kW class(75-250kW), maximum rotating speed of 35000 rpm and periodic of charging/discharging about several dozen seconds(kWh/100kW class in short). After thoroughly theoretical and experimental investigations on the key components, such as high-efficiency large load-capacity hybrid magnetic bearing combined active magnetic bearing with permanent magnetic/superconducting bearings, 100kW class high-efficiency high-speed stator-permanent magnet hybrid excited integrated motor/generator, 100kW class high-efficiency bi-directional power converter, and the key sub-systems, such as the high-speed stator-permanent magnet hybrid excited integrated motor/generator with the bi-directional power converter, flywheel-hybrid magnetic bearing-integrated motor/generator rotor system, the basic scientific and key technological problems in the key components and the sub-systems of the kWh/100kW class fast charging/discharging hybrid-magnetic suspended high-speed flywheel energy storage system are solved, and the basic design methods, analysis models and control strategies of the kWh/100kW class hybrid-magnetic suspended high-speed flywheel energy storage system are formed.
英文关键词: high-speed flywheel energy storge;magnetic bearings;high-speed PM motors;active vibration control;bi-directional power converter