项目名称: “时间透镜”像差产生机理及矫正方法研究
项目编号: No.61205074
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 梁生
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 时间透镜用于对光脉冲的时间成像和时-频域转换,已经成为下一代全光网络和超快科学领域的关键技术和重要研究手段。目前时间透镜的分辨率和记录长度等关键性能受到高阶色散和寄生非线性效应导致的干扰调制的限制,制约其推广应用。本项目首次将时间透镜的性能限制采用"像差"概念进行理论描述,基于时空二元性原理,根据空间透镜像差理论建立时间透镜像差的数学描述,进而得到时间透镜干扰调制与像差之间的理论关系,从而阐明时间透镜像差的物理机理,并针对四波混频时间透镜探索基于抽运脉冲预调制、反馈逆调制和补偿透镜等技术手段进行像差矫正的可行性。本项目通过解决时间透镜像差多变量数学描述、非线性介质和光脉冲特性多因素影响以及时空二元性在像差矫正技术的适用性等关键问题,预期建立时间透镜像差的物理概念及数学描述,对时空二元性原理进行推广和补充,提出、验证和优化像差矫正方法,为突破时间透镜性能瓶颈提供理论指导和技术参考。
中文关键词: 时间透镜;时间像差;时间波带片;时间焦距;非线性光学
英文摘要: As important technique and research tool for next generation all-optical network and ultrafast science, time lens can be utilized in temporal imaging and time-frequency conversion of optical pulse. Up to now, core performances of time lens, namely, resolution and record length are limited by the high-order dispersion and parasitic nonlinear effect induced interference modulation, which embarrasses further applications of time lens. The performances limitations of time lens are described as the optical aberration in this project for the first time to the best of our knowledge. Based on space-time duality, the mathematical description of optical aberration of time lens will be obtained by the analogy to optical aberration of space lens. Then, the physical relationship between the optical aberration and interference modulation of time lens will be established. Furthermore, the mechanism of producing optical aberration can be obtained. At last, the feasibility and evaluation of aberration elimination by pre-modulation of pump pulse, feed-back converse-modulation and compensation lens are investigated. In conclusion, by solving the key problems including multi-variable description of optical aberration, analysis on influences of multi-factors due to nonlinear medium and optical pulse as well as feasibility of space-t
英文关键词: time lens;temporal optical aberration;time zone plate;temporal focal length;nonlinear optics