项目名称: 保持全局形状和视觉舒适度的2D和3D媒体适应方法研究
项目编号: No.61300102
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 牛玉贞
作者单位: 福州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 移动数码设备的普遍流行和三维立体设备的飞速发展,迫切需要与之匹配的数字媒体自适应显示软件的研发。本项目以各种2D和3D数字媒体在多种数码显示设备上的高效显示为背景,针对当前媒体适应方法在保持显著特征的全局形状、视频内容的时间连续性和3D媒体的视觉舒适度方面存在的问题展开研究。主要研究内容包括:基于与图像内容相一致的自适应网格的2D图像适应方法;结合运动历史信息和摄像机运动类型、优化形状保持和时间连续性保持的2D视频适应方法;重用和拓展2D媒体适应方法研究中取得的成果、借鉴立体摄像学和摄影学专业知识实现保持视觉舒适度的3D媒体适应方法。并将上述研究成果集成到本项目开发的媒体适应方法原型系统中进行分析、比较和改进。本项目的研究将有助于提高人们使用多种数码设备进行休闲娱乐和工作时的效率和主观感受,增强我国数字媒体行业软硬件的国际竞争力,并扩大3D电视、3D手机等新兴设备的国际和国内市场。
中文关键词: 全局形状;时间连续性;视觉舒适度;立体图像和视频;显著性检测
英文摘要: The ubiquity of mobile digital devices and the rapidly increasing availability of stereoscopic 3D devices demand the technologies to optimize the display of digital media on these devices. This project proposes to research and develop 2D and 3D media retargeting technologies that adapt input digital media to heterogeneous devices with different sizes and aspect ratios other than originally intended. This project focuses on key problems in media retargeting, including global structure distortion, temporal incoherence in video, and visual discomfort of stereoscopic 3D media. We propose to preserve the global structures by dividing an input image into a non-uniform adaptive mesh such that each salient feature is enclosed only in one mesh element and warping each salient feature as a whole. We plan to analyze the effects of different camera motions on shape preservation and temporal coherence, and utilize the motion history information to optimize shape preservation and temporal coherence. Since visual comfort is crtical for stereoscopic 3D media, we propose to borrow stereoscopic photography and cinematography rules, analyze the key factors that affect the visual comfort, and build mathematic models to measure and preserve the visual comfort during stereoscopic media retargeting. Meanwhile, we propose a 3D media re
英文关键词: Global Shape;Temporal Coherence;Visual Comfort;Stereoscopic Image and Video;Saliency Detection