项目名称: 超快强激光场下原子分子电离过程中的量子效应
项目编号: No.11504215
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 郝小雷
作者单位: 山西大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 原子分子的电离是超快强激光场与原子分子相互作用的基本现象之一,研究这一物理过程对人们理解极端条件下的物质行为具有重要的科学意义。本项目拟与实验密切合作,利用量子S 矩阵理论、隧穿理论以及半经典理论对强激光场中原子分子电离过程中的量子干涉效应、分子结构效应等量子过程进行全面而深入的研究。我们将对不同激光参数下不同种类原子的双电离过程尤其是碰撞激发电离过程进行研究,探索不同激发通道之间的干涉效应、长短量子轨道之间的干涉效应、激发态的耗散效应、以及能级结构等量子效应对双电离过程的影响;我们将对分子尤其是大分子阈上电离光电子能谱和电离角分布进行研究,探讨不同占据轨道、不同核以及它们之间的多中心干涉效应对分子电离电子动力学的影响。通过本项目的开展,希望能加深人们对超短强激光与原子分子相互作用过程中的量子特性、量子与经典对应等基本物理问题的理解。
中文关键词: S矩阵理论;双电离;阈上电离;量子干涉效应;分子结构效应
英文摘要: Ionization of atom/molecule is one of the most fundamental phenomena in the interaction between ultra-short intense laser field with atom/molecule, and the study of this process has important significance on our understanding of the behavior of matters under extreme conditions. In this program we will collaborate tightly with experiments and perform a systematic theoretical study on the quantum effects of interference as well as molecular structure on the ionization process of atom/molecule in strong laser field by using quantum S-matrix theory, tunneling theory and semiclassical theory. Specially, we will study the dependence of double ionization process especially the so called rescattering excitation with subsequent ionization process of atom on laser parameters and species to investigate roles of the quantum effects such as the interference between different excitation ionization channels and between different quantum orbits, the depletion of excited state as well as electron energy structure; we will also study the photoelectron energy spectrum and ionization angular distribution in above-threshold ionization process of molecule especially large molecule; we will further study the contributions of different occupied molecule orbits, different nuclei and the influence of the interference between different nuclei on the ionization process of molecule. We hope the above investigations will help us get a more deep insight into the physical problems (quantum characteristics, classic-quantum correspondence etc.) in the interaction between atom/molecule and ultra-short intense laser filed.
英文关键词: S-matrix theory;double ionization ;above-threshold ionization;quantum interference effect;molecule structure effect