项目名称: 高性能掺铒光纤光学频率梳的实现方法与技术
项目编号: No.91336101
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 姜海峰
作者单位: 中国科学院国家授时中心
项目金额: 95万元
中文摘要: 光纤飞秒光梳在精密物理测量中具有广泛应用:光学频率原子钟的性能评估及应用、精密光谱研究、高精度时间频率传递、精密距离测量、超稳微波产生、太赫兹信号频率校准,以及基本物理常数测量等。本项目拟通过研究激光器环路设计、幅度噪声抑制、锁模诊断、光脉冲保偏放大、频率控制和低噪声光电转换六方面内容,着重解决光梳自动启动、稳定性和鲁棒性增强、光电频率信号低噪声转换三大问题,实现自动化程度高、稳定度好、鲁棒性强的掺铒光纤飞秒光梳,提高我国掺铒光纤光梳及其应用的研究水平,满足国家自然科学基金“精密测量物理”重大研究计划具体目标中“时频测量不确定度达到1E-18水平,时频比对传递精度优于1E-19”和“等效原理检验取得国际领先的结果”相关研究要求。
中文关键词: 光学频率梳;飞秒激光;光纤激光;锁模激光;频率稳定度
英文摘要: Optical frequency comb is widely used in precise measurement applications such as: evaluation of optical atomic clocks, precise spectroscopy, high precise time and frequency transfer, precise distance measurement, ultra-stable microwave generation, THz signal frequency measurement and control, and physics constant drifting measurement. In order to realize an optical frequency comb with high stability, high robustness, and function of automatic boot and ultra-stable microwave generation, we are going to study six sub-topics: design of the femtosecond laser loop, amplitude noise suppression, mode-lock diagnose, optical pulse polarization-maintaining amplifier, frequency control and low noise optical pulse to microwave signal conversion. Eventually, it improves the technique level of Erbium-fiber-based optical frequency comb of China, enabling that self-made optical frequency combs are good enough for “uncertainty of frequency measurement in the level of 1E-18 and resolution of frequency comparison is better than 1E-19” and “most precise verification of Einstein equivalence principle” that are targets of the guideline of the application.
英文关键词: Optical frequency comb;femtoseoncond laser;fiber lasers;mode-locked lasers;frequency stability