项目名称: 玻色凝聚原子在宇称-时间对称势中的多体量子动力学
项目编号: No.11465008
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 钟宏华
作者单位: 吉首大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 宇称-时间(PT)对称性,即空间反射和时间反演下的不变性,是量子物理中一个重要的基本问题。由于具有稳固的量子相干性和高度的可控性,超冷玻色凝聚原子气体为研究PT对称多体量子系统的量子特性及其动力学行为提供了一个新平台。基于开放量子体系的非厄密描述,本项目研究玻色凝聚原子在PT对称势中的多体量子动力学现象及其调控。解析分析结合数值模拟,分析相关多体量子态的时间演化,揭示PT对称性对多体量子相干、量子纠缠、多体Landau-Zener过程以及量子干涉的影响,研究周期驱动下的多体量子动力学行为及其调控,探索PT对称性对多体量子隧穿以及混沌动力学的影响,搜寻利用驱动外场去调控PT对称多体量子体系PT对称性的方法。PT对称多体量子体系的研究不仅将增进我们对开放量子理论、多体量子物理以及混沌理论之中的相关现象和原理的理解,而且也将为开放量子体系调控技术的发展和实际应用提供理论参考。
中文关键词: 原子玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚;PT对称;多体量子动力学;开放量子体系;量子调控
英文摘要: Parity-time (PT) symmetry, the invariance under parity-time reflection, is an important concept in quantum physics. Attribute their robust quantum coherence and hight contrallability, ultra Bose condensed atomic gases provide a new platform for exploring quantum property and dynamics of PT symmetric many-body quantum system. Based upon non-Hermitian Hamiltonian described open quantum system, we investigate many-body quantum dynamics and quantum manipulation of Bose condensed atoms confined in PT symmetric potential. Applying both analytical and numerical approaches, we will analyse the time evolution of their quantum state, and reveal PT symmetry how to affect many-body quantum coherence, quantum entanglement, many-body Landau-Zener process and quantum interference. Furthermore, we will study, under periodic driven field, its many-body quantum dynamics and quantum manipulation, explore the effect of PT symmetry on many-body quantum tunnelling and chaotic dynamics, and search efficient approaches for manipulating PT symmetry of PT symmetric many-body quantum system. The researchs on PT symmetric many-body quantum system will not only broaden our understanding of open quantum theory, many-body quantum physics and chaos, but also will provide theoretical reference for the development of manipulation of open quantum system and its practical application.
英文关键词: atomic Bose-Einstein condensate;PT symmetry;many-body quantum dynamics;open quantum system;quantum manipulation