项目名称: 基于稳定性条件构建表面催化过程的介尺度模型
项目编号: No.91334102
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 黄文来
作者单位: 中国科学院过程工程研究所
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 在表面催化过程中,以吸附质原子、分子尺度为单元尺度,以整个催化剂表面为系统尺度的介尺度范围内,由于多环节的相互耦合,和吸附质之间的相互作用,吸附质的分布往往呈现复杂的时空结构。认识并调控这种介尺度结构不仅有助于丰富和发展介尺度科学,而且对于指导相关的工业过程具有实际意义。目前普遍采用的宏观反应-扩散模型,由于基于平均场近似,忽略了微观不均匀性,与实际往往存在严重偏差。而原子尺度上的微观模型,由于刻画的是庞大的微观状态自由度,不仅不能有效揭示介尺度的规律,而且由于求解计算量大,难以达到进行宏观分析的时空规模。本申请拟通过对控制介尺度行为的主导机制的分析,基于主导机制之间的协调规律来构建稳定性条件,由此实现对介尺度行为的有效刻画,即从微观上有效约束微观状态的自由度,从宏观上实现对微观不均匀性的有效包含。在此基础上,建立起关联小尺度与大尺度的介尺度模型,并结合典型的实际体系进行验证、完善和应用。
中文关键词: 介尺度模型;多相催化;介尺度结构;竞争中协调;稳定性条件
英文摘要: For surface catalysis, within the mesoscale between the element scale of adsorbate atoms or molecules, and the system scale of the whole surface, the distribution of adsorbates commonly exhibits complex spatio-temporal structures, due to the coupling of various kinetic processes, and lateral interactions among adsorbates. Understanding and controlling such structures benefits not only the enrichment and development of meso-science, but also practical applications. Currently, reaction-diffusion macroscopic models are frequently adopted, but they are based on mean-field approximations and neglect microscopic inhomogeneities, and thus usually deviate seriously from exact results. Meanwhile, microscopic models at the atomic scale deal with the huge degrees of freedom of microscopic states, thus unsuitable for unraveling the mesoscale principles on the one hand, and requiring huge computational capacity on the other hand, which makes the simulations at macroscopic scales are still unreachable at present. In this proposal, we plan to start from the analysis on the dominant mechanisms controlling the mesoscale behaviors, and then establish stability conditions based on the compromise among competing mechanisms. The stability conditions are expected to radically reflect the mesoscale behaviors. This means that from the
英文关键词: Mesoscale model;Heterogeneous catalysis;Mesoscale structure;Compromise in competition;Stability condition