项目名称: 基于柔性特征的胸鳍摆动推进模式研究
项目编号: No.51205011
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械工程学科
项目作者: 蔡月日
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 胸鳍摆动推进模式以高效率、高机动性、高稳定性、低噪声,并可以实现较高运动速度等优点,成为水下仿生机器人研究领域的新兴热点和重要分支。现有仿生原理样机在形态和功能上均远逊于仿生原型,尚未达到实际应用需求。本申请旨在从柔性角度出发,探求提升仿生胸鳍摆动推进模式综合性能的有效途径。首先,量化提取仿生原型的主动柔性和被动柔性特征;其次,构建不同主动/被动柔性特征的摆动胸鳍虚拟样机,计算柔性特征对推进性能的影响;而后,基于复合柔性机构建立可控主动/被动柔性的摆动胸鳍,实验验证分析模型;进一步,研究柔性胸鳍摆动运动与地面效应间的相互作用规律;最终,提炼柔性特征对摆动胸鳍性能的影响模型,并建立胸鳍摆动推进模式基于地面效应的高效能运动模式。本申请对胸鳍摆动推进模式仿生机器鱼的优化设计,突破性能瓶颈并迈向实用化有积极意义。
中文关键词: 摆动胸鳍;推进机理;复合柔性;地面效应;
英文摘要: Several advantages make the propulsion mode by oscillating pectoral foils be a new research hot pot and an important sub-topic in the research area of bionic under-water robot, such as high efficiency, good maneuverability, excellent stability, low swimming noise and relative high swim velocity. Form and function of the bionic prototypes developed are far behind their nature sample. Performance of them can not fulfill requirements of practical application. The object of this project is to find an effective way to improve comprehensive properties of the bionic pectoral foil utilizing oscillating propulsion mode, based on its flexible features. Firstly, characteristics of the active flexibility and passive flexibility of the nature sample are absorbed; secondly, virtual prototype of oscillating foil with various active flexibility and passive flexibility distribution is built, and influences of the flexible characteristics on the propulsion performance are calculated; thirdly, the real bionic oscillating pectoral foil with controllable active flexibility and passive flexibility are designed and developed, and the virtual model constructed are verified through experiments; then, relationship between movement of the flexible oscillating pectoral foil and the ground effect will be studied; finally, the influence mode
英文关键词: Oscillating pectoral foils;Propulsion mechanism;Multiple flexibility;Ground effect;