项目名称: 风险决策和模糊决策的生理性和病理性老化机制——来自行为和脑成像的证据
项目编号: No.31300856
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 喻婧
作者单位: 西南大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 人口老龄化问题席卷全球。工作年限的延长将是维持现有人口红利的途径之一,这就需要个体在充满不确定性的年老化过程中依然能够做出正确有效的决策。 本研究采用横断和纵向追踪的实验设计,考察个体决策生理性老化(正常老化)和病理性老化(轻度认知障碍,MCI)的行为和脑神经机制。研究以考察正常老化个体完成不同类型决策任务(模糊决策vs.风险决策)存在的行为、脑激活和脑功能连接的差异为出发点,在此基础上探究生理性老化(年轻组vs.老年组)带来的决策行为和脑神经机制的变化。同时,探究神经退行性疾病阿尔兹海默症(AD)的前临床期MCI在不同决策任务中与正常老化组的组间差异,揭示决策相关脑区以及功能连接受MCI发生发展的影响,以期为尽早地识别MCI,提供来自决策方向的证据。 研究结果将对我们深入理解中国老年人决策行为提供科学依据,也将为揭示人类决策的生理性和病理性老化的脑神经机制做出独特贡献。
中文关键词: 决策;老化;任务类型;功能核磁共振;功能连接
英文摘要: The whole world is aging at its fastest rate ever. Rising life expectancy will likely lead to longer working lives and the need for people to make decisions that are fraught with uncertainty late in life. The proposed study combines the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs to investigate the behavioral and neural mechanisms of decision-making during physiological aging and pathological aging (Mild Cognitive Impairmnt, MCI).From the perspectives that normal aging demonstrated impaired decision-making under ambiguity but intact decision-making under risk, we will study the brain activations and functional connectivities during different kinds of decision-maing paradigms, and to further find out the changes brought by the normal aging. Meanwhile, the data will be collected from MCI patients, the sub-clinical states of Alzheimer's Disease patients (AD), to explore the decision-making mechanisms from behavioral, brain activations, and functional connectivity perspectives. Rely on the group differences derived from task-related fMRI data, we will try to find potential bio-markers for MCI detection, providing the evidences from the decision-making research field. The proposed project has the potential to gain insights into the understanding of the decision-making behavior in Chinese older adults, and it will also p
英文关键词: Decision-making;Aging;Task type;functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging;Functional Connectivity