项目名称: 面向老龄听障患者的自适应降频助听器核心算法研究
项目编号: No.61301219
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 梁瑞宇
作者单位: 南京工程学院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 听力障碍严重影响老龄患者身心健康,中国的老龄化现状使得这一问题尤为突出。高频听力损失严重是老龄患者的普遍情况,而佩戴降频助听器是改善这一状况的有效途径。然而,老龄患者脆弱多变的认知能力成为制约降频助听器推广使用的瓶颈。本项目以轻-重度老龄患者为研究对象,受人类听觉感知和动物种群行为机理启发,研究自适应降频助听器核心算法,为面向老龄听障患者的助听器设计打下扎实的理论基础。具体内容:(1)借鉴人耳的场景分析机理,研究复杂环境下目标语音获取算法;(2)模拟人类的学习推理能力,构建自适应降频算法参数推理模型,提高声音自然度;(3)受青蛙种群的觅食行为启迪,建立助听器参数群优化模型,研究面向认知补偿的自适配方法,改善语言理解度。重点研究自适应降频算法参数推理策略和面向认知补偿的参数进化算法。本课题对于提高老年人听力康复水平,改善老龄人群的生活质量,缓解社会压力有重要意义。
中文关键词: 助听器;语音增强;回波抵消;自验配;降频
英文摘要: Hearing impairment seriously affects physical and mental health of aging patients. The trend of aging population in China makes this issue particularly prominent. Wearing hearing aids is an effective means to compensate the high-frequency hearing loss, which is very general among aging patients. However, the fragile and changeable cognitive ability of elderly patient has became the bottleneck to restrict the extension of frequency-lowering hearing aids. Enlightened by the mechanism of human auditory perception and animal population behavior, this project, which makes solid theoretical foundation for the hearing aids of aging patients, takes the light-severe aging patients as the study object and studies the design method for the adaptive frequency-lowering hearing aids. The detailed contents are as follows: (1) The methods of speech extraction in complex scenes are investigated by simulating the mechanism of scene analysis of human hearing; (2) In order to improve the nature of speech, adaptive lowering frequency model is studied based on human reasoning ability;(3) Enlightened by the foraging behavior of frogs, the parameters optimization model for hearing aids is built. Based on this model, the self-fitting method is studied to improve cognitive ability. The focus of the project includes the parameters optimiz
英文关键词: Hearing aid;Speech enhancement;Echo cancellation;Self-fitting;Frequency lowering