项目名称: 功能性核磁共振电阻抗断层成像中的反问题研究
项目编号: No.11426147
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 宋义壮
作者单位: 山东师范大学
项目金额: 3万元
中文摘要: 本课题研究功能性核磁共振电阻抗断层成像(functional MREIT)中的反问题。functional MREIT的目标是探测由于人体大脑神经活动所引起的电导率的变化。大脑神经活动引起电导率变化是在瞬间发生的,传统的MREIT算法由于在获取数据时受到费时的相位编码的制约而无法探测该变化。functional MREIT的反问题是通过已知数据Bz的时间的变化率来实时重构电导率的时间变化率,其中Bz是磁通量密度的z-分量。为此,需要对相位编码过程做欠采样处理;这样做将会在得到的数据中产生混叠。本研究将会使用混叠的数据来重构电导率的时间变化率。我们将对所提算法做理论分析、数值和影像模型实验来进行验证。
中文关键词: 核磁共振电阻抗断层成像;傅里叶变换;反问题;欠采样;频率空间
英文摘要: In this project we will study the inverse problems in the functional magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (functional MREIT). The goal of functional MREIT is to measure the change of conductivity due to brain activities. Since the change of conductivity caused by brain activities occurs in a moment, traditional MREIT algorithms are not available. This is because to get the data in traditional MREIT, it requires a long scanning time due to the time consuming phase encodings. The inverse problems of functional MREIT are to provide a real time reconstruction of the rate of conductivity change from the given data, the rate of Bz change, where Bz is the z-th component of the magnetic flux density. To get a real time image, skipping the phase encoding lines is necessary, however, such an undersampling will cause aliasing artifacts. In this project, we will reconstruct the rate of conductivity change from the aliased data. We will do theoretical analysis, numerical and phantom experiments to validate the proposed algorithm.
英文关键词: MREIT;Fourier transform;Inverse problems;undersampling data;k-space