项目名称: 大豆蛋白与风味化合物的相互作用机制及含大豆蛋白食品风味失衡的调控途径研究
项目编号: No.31471583
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 陈洁
作者单位: 江南大学
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 大豆蛋白由于本身具有不良风味以及对风味化合物存在选择性吸附和释放等相互作用问题,使含大豆蛋白食品或多或少存在风味恶化问题,消费者很难接受。迄今为止,大量研究针对改善大豆蛋白本身风味,而对于大豆蛋白与风味化合物相互作用导致的风味失衡和恶化问题研究很少,既缺乏理论也缺乏控制技术。本项目针对该问题展开研究,改变过去在模拟体系中研究单一化合物与蛋白作用的方式,重点研究在多种风味化合物共存条件下大豆蛋白与风味化合物的互作关系,阐明互作模型和分子机制;探讨大豆蛋白与风味化合物互作关系的影响因素,寻求对大豆蛋白风味吸附和释放的调控途径;以实际饮料体系为研究对象,阐明大豆蛋白对实际体系风味的影响,寻求在实际体系中建立控制风味平衡的技术以及风味矫正的途径。该研究对于深化大豆蛋白和风味化合物的相互作用理论具有学术价值,对于有效改善含大豆蛋白食品的风味和品质、提升大豆蛋白在食品中的应用水平也具有重要的现实意义。
中文关键词: 大豆蛋白;风味化合物;相互作用;控制;风味失衡
英文摘要: The main challenges in the application of soy protein in food area were the off-flavor from soy protein and the unpleasent aroma profile due to selective absorbance and release of flavor compounds by soy protein. Till now, the techniques about the improvement of soy protein off-flavor have tremendous progress, while the mechanisms about the interactions of soy protein and flavor compounds and the flavor unbalance are far away from understood and the relative controlling techneque is also lack. Therefore, the objectives of this project were to illustrate the interaction of multiple volatile compounds and soy protein, to develop the mathematical models that can prodict interactions, to reveal the factors that affect the binding or release of volatile compounds by soy protein, and to find the techniques or methods to control or reduce or balance the flavor binding potential of soy protein in real food system. The above mentioned studies are valuable for the progress of intermolecular interaction theory, and will aid in the development of new processes for off-flavor removal in soy products , improve soy food quality and allow target for perferential flavor release for food and ingredients.
英文关键词: Soy protein;Flavor compound;Interaction;Control;Flavor unbalance